Molopo — Local Municipality Basisdaten … Deutsch Wikipedia
Molopo — Molopo, rechter, nicht das ganze Jahr Wasser führender Nebenfluß des Oranjestroms in Südafrika. Den südlichen Teil der Kalahari in großem Bogen durchziehend, nimmt er rechts den aus Deutsch Südwestafrika kommenden Nosob (s. d.), links den Kuruman … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Molopo — Molopo, r. Nebenfluß des Oranjeflusses, entspringt an der Grenze der Transvaalkolonie, bildet die Grenze zwischen Betschuanenland Protektorat und Brit. Betschuanenland, mündet im SO. von Deutsch Südwestafrika … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Molopo — (le) riv. du Botswana, qui trace la frontière avec l Afrique du Sud; 700 km … Encyclopédie Universelle
Molopo Local Municipality — Local municipality Location in the … Wikipedia
Molopo River — The Molopo River is located in southern Africa. The river generally flows to the southwest from its source, and has a length of approximately 960 kilometres. River flow is intermittent. When in flood, the flow discharges into the Orange River,… … Wikipedia
Molopo River — ▪ river, Africa river in southern Africa. It rises east of Mafikeng (formerly Mafeking) in North West province, South Africa, and flows generally west for about 600 miles (1,000 km) to join the Orange River near the southeastern border of… … Universalium
Molopo — geographical name river 600 miles (966 kilometers) S Africa flowing W along border between Botswana & Republic of South Africa & thence S into Orange River; now usually dry … New Collegiate Dictionary
Molopo — /meuh loh poh/, n. a river in S Africa, flowing SW along the S Botswana N South Africa border to the Orange River. ab. 600 mi. (965 km) long. * * * … Universalium
Molopo — Mo•lo•po [[t]məˈloʊ poʊ[/t]] n. geg a river in S Africa, flowing SW along the S Botswana N South Africa border to the Orange River. ab. 600 mi. (965 km) long … From formal English to slang