Mohammad Ali Dadkhah

Mohammad Ali Dadkhah

Mohammad Ali Dadkhah is a well-known Iranian human rights lawyer who is a political prisoner in Iran. He is associated with the Defenders of Human Rights Center founded by several of the most prominent Iranian lawyers and headed by Shirin Ebadi, 2003 Nobel Peace Prize laureate.

Dadkhah spoke for Esha Momeni, a student from the United States imprisoned in Iran in October 2008 for "acting against the security of the nation".[1][2]

He is said to have provided legal representation for some of the hundreds of people arrested following the June 2009 election. [3] He also represented Youcef Nadarkhani, a Christian pastor of a small church being accused of apostasy for having converted from Islam, and being held in Rasht.[4]

Dadkhah was reportedly arrested, along with a number of others, in Tehran on 8 July 2009. After being convicted of seeking to overthrow the ruling system of the Islamic Republic, on 4 July 2011 he was sentenced to nine years in jail and barred from working as an attorney for 10 years.[5]


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