- Missouri Foundation for Health
Missouri Foundation for Health (MFH) is the largest non-governmental funder of community health activities in Missouri and the third largest health conversion foundation in the United States. Established in 2000, MFH is in its ninth year of grantmaking, having issued more than $380 million in grants and awards to date. Each year, MFH awards about $50 million in grants to health focused nonprofits that work to improve health care for the uninsured, underinsured, and underserved people in 84 Missouri counties and the City of Saint Louis. The organization's mission is to empower the people of Missouri to achieve equal access to quality health services that promote prevention and encourage healthy behaviors. In addition to funding grants, MFH supports legislation that assures guaranteed affordable choice in health care for all Missourians.[1]
General Information Mission To empower the people of Missouri to achieve equal access to quality health services that promote prevention and encourage healthy behaviors. Company Type Nonprofit Annual Grantmaking $50 million Asset Value About $900 million Regions Served 84 Missouri counties and the City of St. Louis Headquarters St. Louis, Missouri Web site www.mffh.org edit] History In 1994, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Missouri (BCBSMo), a nonprofit health services corporation, created a for-profit subsidiary, RightCHOICE Managed Care Inc.[2] BCBSMo transferred the majority of its assets to the new for-profit corporation. Consumer groups opposed the asset transfer and supported the continued use of BCBSMo’s assets to benefit the public. In 1996, Missouri Attorney General Jay Nixon filed suit against BCBSMo and its subsidiaries, charging a violation of Missouri laws governing conversion of non-profits to for-profit status.[3] In 1999, under direction from the Missouri Supreme Court the parties agreed to dismiss lawsuits and to enter into a settlement. The settlement created the Missouri Foundation for Health in 2000, and provided that BCBSMo would transfer $12.8 million and 15 million shares of RightCHOICE stock directly to MFH.[4]
During MFH’s inaugural year, a committee was formed to nominate board members. When the Board was established in 2000, the members of the nominating committee became the first members of the Community Advisory Council (CAC). [5] The following October (2001), the board hired Dr. James R. Kimmey as the first chief executive officer.[6] Also during 2001, RightCHOICE and WellPoint Health Networks merged, making the MFH shares worth about $733 million.[7][8] Added to an earlier stock sale, the merger created some $900 million in value for MFH. After conducting a series of community forums in 2002 in the 84 counties MFH serves, MFH awarded its first round of grants.[9] These grants addressed issues relating to heart disease, diabetes prevention and strengthening of core services.[10] Also in 2002, MFH established a Health Policy program. Through that program, MFH provides timely research to legislators, elected officials and community members on current health-related issues that significantly impact the lives of Missourians. In 2003, MFH held its first Health Summit addressing health disparities. In 2004, MFH launched its $40 million, nine-year Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Initiative designed to prevent and decrease tobacco use in Missouri. In 2005, MFH launched its Health and Active communities Initiative to combat obesity.
MFH continues to hold an annual Health Summit, which addresses other health issues prevalent in Missouri, and continues its grantmaking efforts. In 2007, MFH awarded several larger grants, which included an $11 million grant to provide free human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines to Missouri women and $13.1 million to improve 84 Missouri health departments and a $4.75 million grant to start the Missouri 2-1-1 program, a telephone service provided to the public through the United Way of Greater St. Louis that gives callers information and referrals to health and human services for everyday needs and in times of crisis. Today, MFH has about 700 active grantees and more than $375 million has been distributed.
K. Beth Johnson
MFH Board of Directors ChairBoard of directors
MFH’s Board of Directors comprises 15 members. Board members are citizens of the 84 counties in the MFH service region and the City of St. Louis; they serve staggered three-year terms that begin January 1. Board members may only serve two terms. In addition, the president of MFH and the chairperson of the Community Advisory Council (CAC) serve as ex officio Board members. The Board governs MFH's efforts to distribute $50 million annually to fund nonprofit organizations that help improve the health of the state's uninsured, underinsured and underserved residents.
Community Advisory Council (CAC)
CAC members are citizens of the 84 counties served by MFH and the City of St. Louis. With 13 members, the CAC serves as the primary link between the community and MFH. The CAC conducts fact-finding activities designed to gather community input on health-related needs in MFH’s service area. Input is used to determine the efficacy of current MFH programs and what programs MFH should fund in the future. The CAC is also responsible for nominating Board of Director candidates. Ultimately, the CAC gathers regional information that ensures MFH programs are framed to best serve Missourians. Members can serve a maximum of two consecutive three-year, staggered terms that begin yearly on July 1.
Dr. James Kimmey
MFH President and Chief Executive OfficerFormer Community Advisory Council Members
Senior Management
MFH’s senior management helps coordinate a 45-person staff.
- James R. Kimmey, MD, MPH, President & Chief Executive Officer
- G. Joseph McCarthy, Senior Vice President & Chief Operating Officer
- M. Ryan Barker, Director of Health Policy
- Charles Gasper, Director of Evaluation
- Bev Pfeifer-Harms, Director of Communications
Grantmaking and Health Initiatives
MFH’s grantmaking includes several funding initiatives and programs. Funding efforts are based on input from community meetings and data regarding the major health problems and concerns in Missouri, especially those issues facing the uninsured, underinsured and underserved.[11] According to its bylaws, MFH may fund only government agencies and nonprofits with a 501(c)(3) designation.[12] Grantees also must be located within the MFH service area and primarily focused on providing health services that especially address the needs of the uninsured, underinsured and underserved.[12] In 2010, MFH’s funding is allocated in the following program areas:
Basic Support
The Basic Support program provides grants for essential operating costs for small nonprofits providing health services.[13] Such costs can include salary, utilities and other necessary equipment. Nonprofits applying for these grants cannot have an annual operating budget larger than $10 million. Basic Support is MFH’s largest program by dollar amount, awarding about $10 million annually.[13]
Service Regions
Click map to enlargeMFH serves 84 Missouri counties. These counties are divided into 10 regions. Northeast Brown Central Purple St. Louis Metro Powder Blue Lake Ozark- Rolla Mint Lower East Central Orange Southwest Goldenrod Springfield Dark Blue South Central Cream Bootheel Dark Green Out of Service Areas Gray edit] Capacity Building Capacity Building grants focus on specific, short-term efforts that can help an organization or coalition of organizations be more efficient in how it operates and make such organizations more effective in accomplishing their mission objectives.[14] Activities funded through Capacity Building include short-term business and financial planning, strategic planning to better achieve organizational missions, fundraising development, program evaluation development and developing strategic communications. Capacity Building is administered in conjunction with the Nonprofit Services Center. In 2009, MFH awarded $ 1,454,277 through its Capacity Building program.
Chronic Care
This program supports nonprofits that work to improve the health of people living with chronic disease(s) and awarded more than $3.9 million in grants to nine organizations in 2009 alone. Currently, Chronic Care supports programs dealing with childhood asthma and adult diabetes.
Because asthma is the leading cause of emergency room visits, hospitalization and school absenteeism for children under 15, MFH created the Childhood Asthma Linkages in Missouri (CALM) program in 2007.[15] Asthma and its related complications cost Missouri citizens an accumulated cost of $500 million per year. CALM provides grants to nonprofits that raise childhood asthma awareness, promote asthma education, identify and diagnose untreated asthma cases and reduce the occurrence of disabling asthma in children.[15]Chronic Care also addresses the seventh leading cause of death in Missouri—diabetes.[16] MFH’s Better Self-Management of Diabetes (BSMOD) program provides grants that support collaborative, self-management diabetes programs in various health care and community settings. Since its inception in 2006, BSMOD has funded 16 projects in the MFH region.[17]
General Support for Advocacy (GSA)
MFH provides General Support for Advocacy (GSA) grants as described in I.R.S. Regulation 26CFR § 53.4945-2(a)(6)(i) to tax-exempt nonprofit organizations currently involved in health-related public policy advocacy work on behalf of Missouri residents.[18] Similar to Basic Support, GSA supports 501 (c)(3) organizations that participate in health advocacy efforts.[19] These unrestricted funds provide financial flexibility for these organizations to address newly emerging health policy issues in a timely way and are not earmarked for a specific project or activity.[19] The funds cannot be used for lobbying activities other than those permitted under IRS regulations governing tax exempt organizations.[20] In 2008, GSA awarded $2.7 million through 18 grants.
Healthy & Active Communities Initiative
Obesity is a prevalent problem in Missouri. In 2009, Missouri was the 13th most obese state in the United States with rising obesity rates for the previous three years.[21] MFH’s Healthy & Active Communities Initiative (H&AC) was created in 2005 to deal with health-related issues surrounding obesity. Since then, H&AC has awarded $20 million in more than 90 communities to help them make environmental changes such as building walking trails, advocating for policy change in schools and workplaces and provide programs that encourage healthier lifestyle choices.[22] These grants also support programs that increase activity among adults and children to prevent and decrease obesity.[23] In 2009, H&AC awarded more than $3.6 million in grants to 15 Missouri nonprofits.
Health Literacy
Health literacy is "the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions." [24] People with limited health literacy have less knowledge of disease management, report poorer health status, and are less likely to seek preventive services.[24] Low health literacy affects approximately half of the United States population.[25] The prevalence and widespread effects of poor health literacy not only degrade the individual health of millions of Americans, but they cost the U.S. economy between $106 billion and $238 billion a year. [26] MFH determined that low health literacy was a problem for people trying to access the health programs they fund. In 2007, the foundation developed a funding effort to address health literacy concerns in Missouri.[27] Initially, these grants funded university-based groups (Missouri State University, University of Missouri and a collaborative based at Washington University in St. Louis) to study solutions for Missouri.[28] Out of that research, MFH began funding community-based health literacy projects in 2008. To date, more than $10.3 million has been allocated to 30 different Missouri nonprofits working to improve health literacy in their respective communities. [28]
MFH and the three university groups also formed the Health Literacy Coordinating Council, which served as an independent organizer of Missouri’s health literacy efforts.[29] Work included improving access to plain language health information, offering educational resources to help providers communicate more effectively with patients, and strengthening education/community collaborations and the evidence base for health literacy.[29] By 2010, the Council became a separate 501(c)(3) called Health Literacy Missouri to provide a central resource for health literacy-related activities.[30] Health Literacy Missouri is the first statewide center devoted solely to improving health literacy in the United States and is based in St. Louis.[31] To establish the organization, MFH provided a $2.4 million annual operating budget and $1 million to support health literacy projects throughout the state. Dr. Arthur Culbert, senior advisor to MFH since 2007, was named president and CEO. [32] HLM provides guidance and technical support to the more than 30 community-based health literacy projects funded by MFH in an effort to establish best practices that can be replicated.[33] In June 2010, HLM hosted the first annual statewide summit on health literacy drawing about 250 health professionals to Columbia to discuss initiatives and potential collaborations.[34]
Mental Health & Substance Abuse
Of all people diagnosed as mentally ill, 29 percent currently abuse either alcohol or drugs and 60 percent will abuse either alcohol or other drugs some time during their lifetime.[35] MFH created the Co-Occurring Disorders (COD) program in 2006 to improve the integration and coordination of mental health and substance abuse treatment services provided to adults with co-occurring disorders.[36] After two years of grant making, COD evolved into the Mental Health and Substance Abuse (MHNSA) program and added a focus on a different population—adolescents.[37] In 2007, a survey of Missouri students showed that 14.8% of Missouri youth had seriously considered attempting suicide.[38] MFH found that in 2008, 27% of Missouri adolescents in 6th-12th grade had consumed alcohol at some point.[38] In 2008 MHNSA invested $7.8 million for prevention and treatment services for children and youth with mental health and substance abuse disorders.[39]
Since its inception, COD and MHNSA have awarded more than $12.7 million through 59 grants. In 2010, MHNSA has shifted its focus back toward programs that treat adults, including a special program for seniors.Primary Care Access
Two thirds of residents in MFH’s service area face significant challenges in gaining access to quality health services due to geographic isolation, struggling economies, limited financial and human resources, low population numbers and increasing cultural diversity.[40] Because of this need, MFH’s Board established the Primary Care Access program in 2006.[40] In Phase One, MFH awarded $8 million to 12 grantees to expand and establish federally qualified health centers in areas where access was limited. Phase Two launched in 2009 with a focus on expanding rural health clinics.[40] MFH has already allocated $8.7 million to fund the efforts of existing rural health clinics to improve the health care safety net and access to quality care in rural/non-urban communities.
Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Initiative
Missouri has a 23 percent smoking rate—one of the highest in the country.[41] Every year more than 11,000 deaths in Missouri are caused by tobacco use.[41] In addition, every year Missouri spends more than $2.1 billion covering health care costs directly associated with smoking.[41] In response to this statewide problem, MFH established the Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Initiative (TPCI) in 2005.[42] TPCI is a nine-year, multi-phase program allocating $40 million to reduce tobacco use in Missouri through grantmaking, policy, evaluation and communication activities.[43] Grants support the following community and regional activities:
- School-Based and Workplace Prevention and Cessation Programs
- Eliminating Tobacco-Related Disparities
- Local Tobacco Control Policy Change
- Long-Term Evaluation Strategy
- Capacity Building (training, events to build organizational skills, etc.)
In 2007, TPCI also funded the most comprehensive county-level study of tobacco use in Missouri. [44] The $1.46 million study assessed tobacco use and associated health side effects, effects of secondhand smoke and smoking ordinances through interviews with 50,000 Missourians in every one of Missouri’s 115 counties. MFH stated it sees the study as a potential “catalyst for change in Missouri, identifying and describing the health of communities to better inform health professionals and policymakers.” [45] County specific information is available online at www.dhss.mo.gov.
Women's Health
In Missouri, 50 percent of women are uninsured and 14 percent live in poverty.[46] In addition, Missouri ranks 15th in the United States for instances of women who are killed by men, yet fewer than half of Missouri’s counties have domestic or sexual violence programs operating within their borders.[47] Because many women live under poor health conditions, MFH established the Women's Health program in 2008. The goals for Women's Health are to encourage healthy behaviors, meet the need for services and contribute to creating healthier communities. To date, Women’s Health awarded more than $5 million to 35 nonprofits, specifically funding programs that work to prevent intimate partner and sexual violence against women, and also ensure access to health services for affected women.[48] In future years, this program expects to focus on other women’s health needs.
Health Policy
To complement MFH’s grantmaking efforts and address health issues from a systemic perspective, the MFH Board of Directors established the Health Policy area in 2002. Since then, the Health Policy staff, under the guidance of the Health Policy Committee (HPC), works to provide timely research on health-related issues of significance to Missouri to community leaders. MFH does not lobby on behalf of specific legislation, but provides accurate information and careful analysis of options for addressing health-related issue on the policy level. The Health Policy portion of the MFH contains current research and health-related data. The MFH Health Policy area operates under an agenda which is set by the HPC, and currently includes:
• Achieving quality, affordable health coverage for all Missourians,
• Eliminating health disparities, and
• Community prevention - improving the state's health emergency medical care services system.Health Policy also produces other publications on a variety of topics, including:
• Frequently Asked Questions About Federal Health Care Reform
• Missouri Medicaid Basics
• The Significance of Missouri's Underinsured
• The State of Missouri's Health
• Charity Care at Missouri Hospitals
– Executive Summary
– Report
• An Examination of Health CooperativesMFH’s Health Policy effort also includes Cover Missouri, a project to develop, publish and promote specific policy recommendations to increase the number of Missourians with health coverage. This effort incorporates community input, foundation research, and economic analysis by state and national experts. Cover Missouri publishes and distributes publications on the health of Missourians and on options for improving access, quality and affordability of health care for community members and policymakers to consider.[49]
Special Funding
In addition to supporting organizations through its established programs, MFH also funds several special programs that have a statewide impact for Missouri.
2-1-1 program
In 2007, MFH helped launch Missouri’s 2-1-1 telephone service with a $4.75 million grant. [50] Working with the United Way of Greater St. Louis, MFH committed $1 million toward start-up costs and $3.75 million distributed over the next five years to support 2-1-1’s annual operation costs. The 2-1-1 program is a telephone helpline that gives callers information about and referrals to health and humans services for everyday needs and in times of crisis.[51] By calling this toll-free, 24-7 number, individuals can receive information about local services in the following areas: food banks, shelters, rent assistance, maternal and children’s health services, crisis intervention services, counseling, employment support, and support for older and disabled adults.[52]
360°/365 Emergency Medical Care System
This MFH-funded effort focuses on improving access to emergency care in all Missouri communities.[53] 360°/365 began as a policy reformation effort in 2004 that pushed for legislation to create a statewide, all-inclusive emergency medical care system.[54] In 2008 the state of Missouri passed a bill to allow a statewide emergency medical care system to be established.[55] The efforts of 360°/365 now move from planning this comprehensive system to its implementation. Overall, the system works to improve the outcomes of emergency health care situations by creating a way to quickly and accurately diagnose and treat health issues in trauma situations,[54] and also to educate the public to help prevent emergency care situations.[54]
Improvements to Missouri Health Departments
MFH made its largest single grant to date in 2007 to help improve 84 Missouri health departments.[56] Before MFH awarded the grant, many Missouri health departments had been without infrastructure funding for more than a decade. The $13.1 million grant provided funding for the health departments to make infrastructure improvements, including equipment purchases, communication services, transportation services and health-related education.[56] Individual department grants ranged from thousands to 2.1 million and extend for one to three years.
Free HPV Vaccine
In 2007, MFH allocated $11 million [57] to provide the Gardasil® vaccine to 30,000 women and girls in Missouri.[57] Gardasil® can help prevent some occurrences of the human papillomavirus (HPV) which is the leading cause of cervical cancer. The grant awarded funding to Missouri Family Health Council (MFHC) and Missouri Primary Care Association (MPCA) who purchased and distributed Gardasil® to 125 sites in the MFH service region.[58] Through these distribution sites, Gardasil® was given to those women and girls who were not covered under Missouri’s Free Vaccines for Children (VFC) program, were uninsured or whose insurance did not cover the cost of the vaccine.[58]
To complement this grant, the Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City (HFC), partnered with the REACH Foundation, based in Kansas, to develop a companion HPV vaccine grant program in the Kansas City, Missouri and Kansas area. HCF and REACH awarded $2.5 million to add another 32 free vaccine sites.[59]Achievements and Milestones
- The Board of Directors hires Dr. James R. Kimmey as the first President and Chief Executive Officer of MFH.
- MFH awards its first grants, totaling more than $9.6 million, to nearly 80 health-focused nonprofits.
- After only one year of funding, MFH distributes more than $32.5 million in grants.
- MFH hosts its first annual Health Summit, which addresses health disparities.
- MFH launches its $40 million, nine-year Tobacco Prevention & Cessation Initiative.
- MFH hosts its second Health Summit, titled "Weighing in on Children's Obesity: Strategies That Work." < /li>
- MFH launches its Healthy & Active Communities Initiative, aimed at combating obesity.
- New funding efforts target dental sealants for children, self-management of diabetes, health literacy and co-occurring mental/substance abuse disorders.
- MFH hosts its third Health Summit, addressing access to health care for people living in rural areas.
- MFH's total for grantmaking since 2002 tops $200 million.
- MFH [60] provides $11 million to enable 30,000 Missouri girls and women to receive the HPV vaccine.
- MFH hosts its fourth Health Summit, titled "The Intersection of Health and Business."
- MFH funds $13.1 million for improvements to 84 Missouri health departments.
- MFH allocates $4.75 million to fund the 2-1-1 program, in conjunction with the United Way of Greater St. Louis.
- The 2008 Health Summit, along with a new funding effort Women’s Health, focuses on preventing violence against women.
- MFH launches Cover Missouri, a policy project with a goal of providing Missouri citizens and policymakers with information on current healthcare reform and suggestions on how to increase the number of Missourians with quality, affordable health insurance coverage. This effort also includes CoverMo.org.< /li>
- A county-level study funded by MFH reveals a majority of state smokers want to quit and almost 56 percent support local laws prohibiting smoking indoors. The survey of 50,000 Missourians is the most comprehensive county-level study of tobacco use and related health problems in all of Missouri’s 115 counties. Detailed survey results can be found online at www.dhss.mo.gov.
- MFH releases two publications that detail the health disparities of Missouri's African-American and Hispanic populations in comparison to the white population. Areas examined include socio-economic factors, maternal and child health, communicable diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, injuries treated in hospitals, emergency room visits, and deaths.
- The 2009 Health Summit focused on health care workforce development and retention.
- ^ Missouri Foundation for Health : Home
- ^ Blue Cross And Blue Shield Of Missouri And RightCHOICE Managed Care to Consider Legal Alternatives as a Result of Court Order. - Free Online Library
- ^ http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:w7eb4XQszgsJ:www.jaynixon.com/news/%3Fid%3D0142+BCBSMo+jay+nixon&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&client=firefox-a[dead link]
- ^ Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Missouri and the Attorney General Seek Review of Settlement Agreement by Missouri Supreme Court. - Free Online Library
- ^ Missouri Foundation for Health : Community Advisory Council
- ^ Kimmey to head Missouri Foundation for Health | St. Louis Business Journal
- ^ RightChoice Managed Care Inc. acquired by L.A.-based WellPoint | St. Louis Business Journal
- ^ WellPoint/RightCHOICE Merger Approved by RightCHOICE Stockholders; Companies Also Announce Preliminary Tally of Cash Elections. | North America > United States from Al...
- ^ Grantmakers In Health: Audioconferences
- ^ Missouri Foundation for Health : 091302
- ^ Missouri Foundation for Health : Funding Programs Overview
- ^ a b Missouri Foundation for Health : Funding Guidelines
- ^ a b Missouri Foundation for Health : Basic Support
- ^ http://www.nonprofitservices.org/MFHGrantProgram.html[dead link]
- ^ a b http://www.dhss.mo.gov/asthma/Schools.pdf[dead link]
- ^ http://www.dhss.mo.gov/ASPsDeath/header.php?cnty=929[dead link]
- ^ Better Self Management of Diabetes
- ^ http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-tege/eo_regs.pdf
- ^ a b Missouri Foundation for Health : General Support for Advocacy
- ^ Tax Information for Charities & Other Non-Profits
- ^ http://healthyamericans.org/reports/obesity2008/Obesity2008Report.pdf
- ^ http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:qad2XBpsX8sJ:prcstl.wustl.edu/research/Pages/HAC.aspx+missouri+foundation+for+health+healthy+and+active+communities+initiative&cd=9&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&client=firefox-a[dead link]
- ^ Healthy & Active Communities Initiative: a foundat... [Prev Med. 2010] - PubMed result
- ^ a b http://knim.gov/outreach/consumer/hlthlit.html
- ^ Medscape: Medscape Access
- ^ http://www.gwumc.edu/sphhs/departments/healthpolicy/dhp_publications/pub_uploads/dhpPublication_3AC9A1C2-5056-9D20-3D4BC6786DD46B1B.pdf
- ^ Missouri Foundation for Health : 121509
- ^ a b Missouri Foundation for Health : Health Literacy
- ^ a b http://www.healthliteracymissouri.org/uploads/HLM/pdfs/HLM_annual_report_2008.pdf
- ^ Health Literacy Missouri finds new headquarters | St. Louis Business Journal
- ^ St. Louis Beacon - Health literacy helps people stay healthy
- ^ Dr. Arthur Culbert: Health Literacy Missouri | St. Louis Business Journal
- ^ Health Literacy Missouri - Demonstration Projects
- ^ Health Literacy Missouri leads effort to educate on health care - Columbia Missourian
- ^ Of all people diagnosed as mentally ill, 29 percent currently abuse either alcohol or drugs and 60 percent will abuse either alcohol or other drugs some time during their lifetime.
- ^ http://dmh.mo.gov/transformation/CommunitiesofHope/MFHCODgrantees110209.pdf
- ^ Missouri Foundation for Health : Mental Health & Substance Abuse
- ^ a b http://dmh.mo.gov/ada/rpts/MSS2008FinalReport.pdf
- ^ New York State Health Foundation: Resources: Missouri Foundation for Health: Mental Health and Substance Abuse Program
- ^ a b c Missouri Foundation for Health : Primary Care Access
- ^ a b c http://www.tobaccofreekids.org/reports/settlements/toll.php?StateID=MO[dead link]
- ^ http://www.dhss.mo.gov/SmokingAndTobacco/WebPP3-06.ppt[dead link]
- ^ http://www.raconline.org/funding/funding_details.php?funding_id=1631
- ^ http://ctpr.wustl.edu/documents/WinterNewsletter08.pdf
- ^ 2007 Missouri County Level Study of Adult Tobacco Use and Related Chronic Conditions - PolicyArchive
- ^ Women's Health Disparities - Kaiser State Health Facts
- ^ Divorce Source: Missouri Domestic Violence Shelters
- ^ http://www.senate.mo.gov/10info/members/newsrel/d16/061710.pdf
- ^ CoverMissouri.org - A Project of the Missouri Foundation for Health
- ^ 2-1-1 Missouri > Home
- ^ 2-1-1 Missouri > Home
- ^ Callaway County United Way: 2-1-1 Press Release
- ^ http://www.mffh.org/mm/files/MFHBrochure.pdf
- ^ a b c http://360365.org/[dead link]
- ^ http://www.house.mo.gov/billtracking/bills081/sumpdf/hb1790c.pdf
- ^ a b Missouri Foundation for Health : 102607
- ^ a b Missouri Foundation for Health : 011607
- ^ a b http://jeffcountyjournal.stltoday.com/articles/2007/09/12/news/sj2tn20070911-0912jef_vacine.ii1.txt
- ^ http://www.healthcare4kc.org/press-release.aspx?id=1192&terms=HPV+vaccine+grant[dead link]
- ^ Missouri Foundation for Health : HPV
External links
- Missouri Foundation for Health home page
- 2008 MFH Annual Report
- MFH Current Publications
- 2007 Missouri County Level Study of Adult Tobacco Use and Related Chronic Conditions and Practices
- Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City (HFC)
- REACH Foundation
- Missouri Primary Care Association (MPCA)
Categories:- Health care companies of the United States
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Missouri Foundation for Health
- Missouri Foundation for Health
Missouri Foundation for Health (MFH) is the largest non-governmental funder of community health activities in Missouri and the third largest health conversion foundation in the United States. Established in 2000, MFH is in its ninth year of grantmaking, having issued more than $380 million in grants and awards to date. Each year, MFH awards about $50 million in grants to health focused nonprofits that work to improve health care for the uninsured, underinsured, and underserved people in 84 Missouri counties and the City of Saint Louis. The organization's mission is to empower the people of Missouri to achieve equal access to quality health services that promote prevention and encourage healthy behaviors. In addition to funding grants, MFH supports legislation that assures guaranteed affordable choice in health care for all Missourians.[1]
General Information Mission To empower the people of Missouri to achieve equal access to quality health services that promote prevention and encourage healthy behaviors. Company Type Nonprofit Annual Grantmaking $50 million Asset Value About $900 million Regions Served 84 Missouri counties and the City of St. Louis Headquarters St. Louis, Missouri Web site www.mffh.org