Missa Solemnis (Bruckner)

Missa Solemnis (Bruckner)

The Missa Solemnis WAB 29 by Anton Bruckner is a setting of the mass ordinary for vocal soloists, chorus, orchestra and organ.

Following the death of Michael Arneth,[1] Friedrich Mayr was appointed abbot of St. Florian.[2] The Missa Solemnis was premiered on September 14, 1854, the day of Mayr's elevation.[3]

Robert Führer saw the score and suggested to Bruckner he study with Simon Sechter.[4] Bruckner showed Sechter the mass and Sechter accepted him as a pupil. The Missa solemnis was the last major work Bruckner wrote before concluding his studies with Sechter, who did not allow his students free composition while studying with him.[5]

The quartet of vocal soloists consists of a soprano, an alto, a tenor, and a bass, while the choir consists of sopranos, altos, tenors, and basses. The orchestra consists of 2 oboes, 2 bassoons, 2 horns in E-flat, 2 trumpets in B-flat, alto, tenor and bass trombones, timpani, and strings.

The setting is divided into twelve parts.

  1. "Kyrie eleison..." Andante, B-flat minor, 3/8
  2. "Gloria in excelsis Deo..." Allegro, common time, G minor veering to B-flat major
  3. "Qui tollis peccata mundi..." Andante, G minor, 9/8
  4. "Quoniam tu solus sanctus..." Allegro, B-flat major, common time
  5. "Credo in unum Deum..." Allegro moderato, common time, B-flat major
  6. "Et incarnatus est..." Adagio, F major, common time - "Crucifixus..." F minor
  7. "Et ressurrexit tertia die..." Allegro, moderato, B-flat major, 3/4 - "Mortuos" Langsamer - "cujus regni" Tempo primo - "Et in spiritum Sanctum..." Sehr nachgebend
  8. "Et vitam venturi saeculi..." Allegro moderato, B-flat major, common time
  9. "Sanctus Dominus Deus Sabbaoth..." Moderato, B-flat major, 12/8
  10. "Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini..." Moderato, E-flat major, 6/8
  11. "Agnus Dei..." Adagio, B-flat major, 3/4
  12. "Dona nobis pacem..." Allegro, B-flat major, 2/4

The Quoniam quotes from Joseph Haydn's Missa sancti Bernardi von Offida.[6] As in Bruckner's later great masses, the setting of the words "Et resurrexit" is preceded by the "old-fashioned rhetorical gesture" of a "rising chromatic figure in stile agitato representing the trembling of the earth."[7] This rising chromatic figure is repeated before the "Et expecto resurrectionem mortuorum".

Robert Simpson finds "nothing mediocre or tentative about this strong and clear work ... the music is often of excellent quality ... the work, though not perfect, is admirable."[8] Several passages of the Missa solemnis, that one could call "Mass No. 0", particularly the Qui tollis of the Gloria and the central part of the Credo, are prefiguring the next Mass No. 1 in D minor. Both the Gloria and the Credo are ending by a fugue.

The edition by Robert Haas for the Gesamtausgabe was based on the copy given to Mayr,[9] but Leopold Nowak took advantage of phrasing marks in some violin parts which were not available to Haas.[10][11]



  1. ^ p. 55 (2004) Howie
  2. ^ p. 45 (2004) Hawkshaw
  3. ^ p. 32 (1978) Schönzeler
  4. ^ p. 35 (1999) Kinder
  5. ^ p. 15 (1977) Simpson
  6. ^ p. 45 (2004) Hawkshaw
  7. ^ p. 45 (2004) Hawkshaw
  8. ^ p. 14 (1977) Simpson
  9. ^ p. [blank] (1975) Nowak
  10. ^ p. 668 (1976) Anderson
  11. ^ p. [blank] (1975) Nowak


  • Anderson, Robert (1976) "Romantic Mass", The Musical Times 117, p. 1602
  • Hawkshaw, Paul (2004) "Bruckner's large sacred compositions", The Cambridge Companion to Bruckner edited by Williamson, John, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • Howie, A. Crawford (2004) "Bruckner and the motet", The Cambridge Companion to Bruckner edited by Williamson, John, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • Kinder, Keith William (2000) The Wind and Wind-Chorus Music of Anton Bruckner, Greenwood Press, Westport, Connecticut.
  • Nowak, Leopold (1975) "Foreword" Anton Bruckner: Sämtliche Werke: Band 15: Missa Solemnis in B: Partitur Musikwissenschaftlicher Verlag der Internationalen Bruckner-Gesellschaft, Rickett, Richard (translator), Vienna
  • Schönzeler, Hans-Hubert (1978) Bruckner, Marion Boyars, London.
  • Simpson, Robert (1967) The Essence of Bruckner: An essay towards the understanding of his music, Victor Gollancz Ltd, London
  • Watson, Derek (1975), J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd, London

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