Miss Meyers

Miss Meyers
Miss Meyers

Miss Meyers in 1953 after winning at the Los Angeles County Fair[1]
Breed Quarter Horse
Discipline Racing
Sire Leo
Grandsire Joe Reed II
Dam Star's Lou
Maternal grandsire Oklahoma Star
Sex Mare
Foaled 1949
Country United States
Color Chestnut
Breeder O. C. Meyer
Owner Bruce Green
Racing record
Stakes: 7 wins, 7 seconds, 2 thirds
Race earnings
$28,725 (approximately $236,000 in 2011 dollars)
Racing awards
1953 World Champion Quarter Running Horse
1953 High Money Earning Race Horse
Stakes Winner
AQHA Racing Register of Merit
AQHA Superior Race Horse
American Quarter Horse Hall of Fame
Last updated on: May 24, 2009.

Miss Meyers (1949 – March 1963) was an American Quarter Horse racehorse and broodmare, the 1953 World Champion Quarter Running Horse. She won $28,725 (equivalent to about $236,000 as of 2011) on the racetrack as well as 17 races. As a broodmare, she produced, or was the mother of, the first American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA) Supreme Champion, Kid Meyers. She was the mother of three other foals, and was inducted into the AQHA Hall of Fame in 2009.


Early life

Miss Meyers was a chestnut-colored mare born in 1949 and sired, or fathered, by Leo, a member of the AQHA Hall of Fame. Miss Meyers' dam, or mother, was Star's Lou. Star's Lou's father was Oklahoma Star P-6, another AQHA Hall of Fame member.[2] She was bred by O. C. Meyer, and later owned by Bruce A. Green.[3]

Race career

Miss Meyers raced from 1952 until 1955 and won seven stakes races, placing second in seven others, and third in two more. She won 17 of her 59 starts on the racetrack. She placed second in another 15 races and third in 5. Her total earnings on the track were $28,727 (approximately $235,600 in 2011 dollars).[4] Among her wins in stakes races were the 1952 Buttons and Bows Stakes, the 1953 California Championship, the 1953 Billy Anson Stakes, the 1953 Rocky Mountain Quarter Horse Association World Championship Dash, the 1955 Bart B Stakes, the 1955 Barbara B Stakes and the 1955 Traveler Stakes. She set four track records, twice at 350 yards (320 m), once at 400 yards (370 m), and once at 440 yards (400 m). In 1953 she was named the AQHA World Champion Quarter Running Horse, as well as the High Money Earning Horse; the AQHA also awarded her the title of Superior Race Horse in 1954. The highest speed index she achieved, a measure of how fast she was able to run, during her racing career was AAAT, the highest possible at the time.[3][notes 1] It was not until she was a four-year-old, during 1953, that Miss Meyers performed well and started winning on the track. That year she won $15,398 (approximately $126,500 in 2011) dollars,[4][1] over half her lifetime earnings, as well as seven of her seventeen career wins.[1]

Broodmare and legacy

After Miss Meyers retired from the racetrack, she became the dam of the first AQHA Supreme Champion, Kid Meyers, sired by fellow Hall of Famer Three Bars, a Thoroughbred.[2] (A Supreme Champion is a horse that is outstanding on the racetrack, as a riding horse at horse shows and also conformationally, or how well put together the horse is). Kid Meyers was a 1963 sorrel stallion, and had 23 starts on the racetrack, winning 6 times. He earned a total of $10,655 (approximately $72,100 as of 2011 dollars)[4] on the track. After retiring from the racetrack, he earned his AQHA Champion in 1966 and his AQHA Supreme Champion in 1967. His highest speed index was AAA.[3] Unlike most foals, who nurse for months after birth, Kid Meyers was orphaned at a month old in March 1963.[6]

Miss Meyers had three other foals. Oh My Oh, a 1957 bay mare sired by the Thoroughbred stallion Spotted Bull, started 30 times, winning eight races for a total earnings of $12,592 (approximately $92,400 as of 2011 dollars)[4] and coming in second in a stakes race. She earned an AAAT speed index.[3] As a broodmare, she was the dam of All American Futurity winner Three Oh's.[7] Miss Meyers' 1958 foal was Mr Meyers, a sorrel stallion sired by fellow Hall of Famer Go Man Go, who started 41 times, winning 9 times and placing third in four stakes races. His total race earnings were $25,656 (approximately $186,300 as of 2011 dollars).[4] He went on to earn a AQHA Champion title along with a Superior Race Horse award, to go with his AAAT speed index.[3] Mr Meyers became a successful breeding stallion.[5] Miss Meyers' fourth foal was a 1959 chestnut mare named Milpool sired by Vandy. Milpool was never raced or entered in a horse show.[3]

Miss Meyers died in March 1963, shortly after having Kid Meyers.[6] She was inducted into the AQHA's American Quarter Horse Hall of Fame in 2009.[7]


Joe Blair (TB)
Joe Reed P-3
Della Moore
Joe Reed II
Fleeting Time (TB)
Little Red Nell
Joe Blair (TB)
Joe Reed P-3
Della Moore
Little Fanny
Ashwell (TB)
Fanny Ashwell
Fannie Richardson
Miss Meyers[2][8]
Lobos (TB)
Dennis Reed (TB)[notes 2]
Bess Chitman (TB)
Oklahoma Star P-6
Belle K
Star's Lou
Owen E. Acton bred mare


  1. ^ The author Nelson C. Nye, in his work Speed and the Quarter Horse claims that she started 60 times and earned a total of $29,305 (approximately $240,400 in 2011 dollars),[4] but this conflicts with the AQHA's official records.[3][5]
  2. ^ (TB) is an abbreviation for Thoroughbred, and signifies that the designated horse was not a Quarter Horse but was a Thoroughbred.


  1. ^ a b c Chamberlain "Leo" Quarter Horse Journal pp. 79–80
  2. ^ a b c Mattson Real American Quarter Horse pp. 2–3
  3. ^ a b c d e f g AQHA Official Produce of Dam Record for Miss Meyers
  4. ^ a b c d e f Consumer Price Index (estimate) 1800–2008. Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. Retrieved December 7, 2010.
  5. ^ a b Nye Speed and the Quarter Horse pp. 227–228
  6. ^ a b Groves "Kid Meyers" Quarter Horse Journal p. 36
  7. ^ a b American Quarter Horse Foundation "Miss Meyers" Hall of Fame Biographies
  8. ^ Groves "Kid Meyers" Quarter Horse Journal pp. 36, 101, 107


  • American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA) (1996). AQHA Official Produce of Dam Record for Miss Meyers American Quarter Horse Association Records Department. February 20, 1996
  • American Quarter Horse Foundation. "Miss Meyers". Hall of Fame Biographies. http://www.aqha.com/Foundation/Content-Pages/Hall-of-Fame/~/media/Files/Foundation/Hall%20of%20Fame/Inductees/Horses/Miss%20Meyers.ashx. Retrieved 2011-01-15. 
  • Chamberlain, Richard (May 1980). "Leo: A Basis for Performance". Quarter Horse Journal: 74–85. 
  • Groves, Lesli Krause (January 1993). "Kid Meyers". Quarter Horse Journal: 36, 101, 107. 
  • Mattson, Paul (1991). The Real American Quarter Horse: Versatile Athletes who proved Supreme. Wamego, KS: Premier Publishing. ISBN 1-879984-77-6. 
  • Nye, Nelson C. (1973). Speed and the Quarter Horse: A Payload of Sprinters. Caldwell, ID: Caxton Publishers. ISBN 0-87004-220-3. 

External links

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