Miquel Adlert i Noguerol

Miquel Adlert i Noguerol

Miquel Adlert i Noguerol (1911 in Paterna, Horta Oest, Spain - 1989) was a Catalan novelist and publisher.

He was one of the main instigators of the literary renaissance in the Pais Valencia (Valencia area of Spain) during the 1940s. In 1943, he co-founded with Xavier Casp the publishing house l’Editorial Torre, which published the best-known Valencian writers of the post-war era.

In 1953, his novel I la pau ("And the Peace") and his novella El salze à la sendera ("One on the Path"), both with characteristic features of the Catholic novel, were published. His short story collection Cor al nu was published in 1956.


  • Diccionari de la Literatura Catalana, 2008

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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