Milena Mileva Blažić

Milena Mileva Blažić

Milena Mileva Blažić is a Slovenian literary historian and university professor, born 12 September 1956, Popuže, Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Life and work

Elementary and Secondary School was fished in Novi Travnik (BiH). Since 1975 he lives and works. In 1985 she graduated from the Department of Comparative Literature and Literary Theory at the Faculty of Arts and in 1997 acquired the title of master of Slovenian literature at the Department of Slavic Languages and Literature and in 2001 successfully defended her doctoral thesis entitled "Role and importance of teaching creative writing in Literature elementary school. [1] She works at the Pedagogical Faculty, since 1991 as an assistant, and since 2002 as associate professor and since 2008 as associate professor of literature and teaches didactics of Slovenian literature at the Department of Primary Education (Chair Slovene), as well as lectures on Department for pre-school education. Since 2007, assistant professor of Slovenian literature. Its scope covers scientific research in the children's literature, multicultural literature and the theory of a children's juvenile literature.

In 1992 he published a book Creative writing: Merry recommended science of words to text (COBISS), then for the years 1995, 1996 and 1997, emerged three workbooks with the same title. Led a number of educational seminars for teachers of Slovene literary clubs, trainers and librarians in Slovenia, Italy and Austria. She has co-edited an anthology of poetry fifth annual Time: 100 to songs for the young (COBISS) (2001) and co-author of two award-winning elementary schools Beryl Council for words, 7 (Bologna Book Fair [2] 2003: 2nd prize and the Frankfurt Book Fair [ 3], 2003: 1st prize). Between 2001 and 2004, the project carries Target Research Programme (CRP) The development of reading ability with reading tag [4]. Participate in two EU projects in the field of youth literature and ICT (information and communication technology) and is a member of two scientific associations: Nordic Network for Children's Literature [5] and IRSCL - International Research Socitey for Children's Literature [6]. Between 2006 and 2008 was secretary of extraterrestrial Society of Slovenia [7]. Since 2006, Councillor in the City Council at the Ljubljana Municipality Leaves Zoran Jankovic. Since 2007, youth mentor WikiProjects Slovenian literature, compiled by the students of the Ljubljana Faculty. From 2008 is also a member of the Ljubljana City Library, and from 2009 a member of the Ljubljana Puppet Theatre. Milena Mileva Blažić wife Jani Kovačič Janija Kovačiča singer songwriter.

Selected bibliography

[[Models for the creative teaching of literature in primary school. Ljubljana: Institute of Education of the Republic of Slovenia, 2000.<nowiki>]]</nowiki>]]] (COBISS)

Secret Treasures Reading: reading and literary journals in the primary school education: teaching manual for teachers to (secret) creative reading log from 2 to 9 (from 1 to 8). Ljubljana: Rokus, 20001; 20012th (COBISS)

[[Historical overview of Slovenian children's writing (1850-2000). Ljubljana: Faculty of Education, 2002.|Historical overview of Slovenian chidren's writing (1850-2000). Ljubljana: Faculty of Education, 2002.]] (COBISS)

[[[Creative writing. Exercises to develop creative writing skills. Ljubljana: GV Education, 2003]].] (COBISS)

School, in theory - theory in school. Journal of Science XXI/160/161 criticism. Ljubljana: Journal for the Criticism of Science, 1993. (Co-authorship with others) (COBISS)

Dane Zajc. Ljubljana: Nova magazine, 1995. (A collection of interpretations, 4). (Co-authorship with others) (COBISS)

The Understanding of Metaphor by Elementary School Students. Q: The empirical and Systemic Approach to Literature and Culture as Theory and application. Ed. Tötösy de Zepetnek, Steven Sywenky, Irene. 1997th 385-39 1. (COBISS)

READING AND WRITING Appreciation and University Elementary schools: results of a survey. Reader 35/36. Houghton, Michi, 1996. 55-66. (COBISS) [8].

Place and Function of Children's Literature and the Next Millennium. 1997th (COBISS)

Feature sites in the Slovenian Youth Literature = The city as a youth, medical and Motif literature. Urban Challenge XIV / 2 2003rd 29-34, 97-100. (COBISS)

Art and pedagogy: From Reader Response to writer-response theory. They are based on II / 2 2004th 153-162. (COBISS)

Literaray history of children's literature in Slovenia. A child and a book XXXI/61. 2004th 67-77. (COBISS)


Bibliography researchers City Council Members

Slovenian Wikipedia sl:Milena Mileva Blažić

See also

List of Slovenian literary historians List of Slovenian academic A list of members of the City Council of the City of Ljubljana (2006–2010) [Edit] External links

Milena Mileva Blažić to Faculty

  • The recording lectures prof. dr. Milena Mileva Blažić the Faculty of Arts
  • The role and importance of creative writing in teaching literature in primary school (2001)
  • Historical overview of Slovenian spisja free since 1850 to date
  • Introduction to Trubar.doc
  • An introduction to the theory of children's literature

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