

The Mil-PRF-32171B is a new US military specification with requirements for high-durability, wear-resistant deck coatings. Specifically they for use in high-traffic areas, and are to require minimal maintenance. The coatings can be either high gloss (Class 2) or semi gloss (Class 1). Being approved by all Department and Agencies within the Department of Defense (DOD) this specification has strict specifications for 2-part chemical component systems. Many products on the market such as Interlux Perfection, and others fall within this category. 1-part component systems that require no mixing like that of Durabak-M26 for example allow for the material to be quickly applied while adhering to the government specifications. The specification further encourages the use of recycled materials in the coatings to make them more economically friendly.

References and external links

  • Netcenter Mil-Prf-32171B - Specification for High Durability Deck Coatings [1]
  • High Durability Deck Coating - Mil-Prf-32171B [2]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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