- Mikhail Suprun
Mikhail Suprun Михаил Николаевич Супрун (born 5 April 1955 in Severodvinsk) – Russian historian, professor of the Pomor State University named after M. V. Lomonosov.
He received a PhD in 1984. In 1996 he earned the title of Doctor Habilitated from the Institute of Russian History, Russian Academy of Sciences. In 2009 he was arrested by FSB for his investigations about the fate of Germans imprisoned in the Soviet Union during the second world war and after the war.
- "Политическая ссылка на Европейском Севере в конце 19 - начале 20 вв. Выпуск 1. 1895-1905 гг. Вологда, 1989 (co-author С.Я.Косухкин)
- "Люфтваффе под Полярной Звездой". Архангельск, 1996 (co-author Р.И.Ларинцев)
- "Ленд-лиз и северные конвои, 1941-1945 гг." М., 1997.
- "Освобождение Восточного Финнмарка, 1944 - 1945 гг." (co-author А. and В. Гёртер).
Categories:- Russian historians
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