
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Protista
Division: Chlorophyta
Class: Chlorophyceae
Order: Oedogoniales
Genus: Oedogonium
(Hirn, 1900) Link[1]

Oedogonium is a genus of filamentous green algae. Filamentous means the colony is one cell thick. Reproduces in two ways – sexually and asexually. Reproduces sexually through syngamy. The anthridia which produces sperm and the oogonium which produces the egg, release the sperm and egg. The egg and sperm then fuse and form a zygote (2n). The zygote then produces the filamentous green algae which is haploid (1n). The oedogonium can also produce asexually through zoospores. These separate from the parent plant through the zoosporangium and continue to divide producing the filamentous green algae. Oedogium is usually freefloating when mature though it can be attached to plants. Lives in quiet, fresh water. It has a spirally shape with a greenish tinge to it DISTRIBUTION OF SEX ORGAN- species of oedogonium are divided into the following two groups on the basis of distribution of sex organ: (A) MACRANDOUS SPECIES- In these species antheridia are borne on the filament of normal size. where antheridia and oogonia are found on the same filament, are called MACRANDOUS MONOECIOUS. and where anthredia and oogonia are borne on the different filament, are known as MACRANDOUS DIOECIOUS. Although filament bearing anthredia and oogonia are morphologically similar, they differ physiologically. (B) NANNANDROUS SPECIES- In nannandrous species filament bearing anthredia and oogonia show morphilogical distinction. the male filament, which are much smaller than than the female filament, are called dwarf male or nannandrium. nannandrous species are always dioecious, i.e., anthridia and oogonia are borne on different filaments.


  1. ^ Guiry, M.D.; Guiry, G.M. (2008). "Oedogonium". AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway. http://www.algaebase.org/search/genus/detail/?genus_id=43424. 

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