Michael Koryta

Michael Koryta
Michael Koryta

Michael Koryta
Born Michael Koryta
September 20, 1982 (1982-09-20) (age 29)
Bloomington, Indiana, United States
Occupation Novelist
Alma mater Indiana University
Genres Crime, Supernatural


Michael Koryta is an American author of contemporary crime and mystery fiction. He is known for novels such as Tonight I Said Goodbye, Sorrow's Anthem, A Welcome Grave and The Silent Hour (The Lincoln Perry Series).

Koryta has received many awards, including the 2008 Los Angeles Times Book Prize, and his book Envy the Night has also been chosen for the 2009 Reader's Digest Select Editions. A former private investigator and newspaper reporter, Koryta graduated from Indiana University with a degree in criminal justice.



Michael Koryta began writing at a very early age: "Michael Koryta does not fool around. At the age of 8, he began corresponding with his favorite writers. At 16, he decided he wanted to be a crime novelist—and later in high school started interning with a private investigator. When his crime novel "Tonight I Said Goodbye" won the St. Martin's Press/PWA Best First Novel prize, he had yet to reach legal drinking age."[1]

Personal life

He currently lives in St. Petersburg, Florida, and Bloomington, Indiana.


The Lincoln Perry Series
  • Tonight I Said Goodbye (2004)
  • Sorrow's Anthem (2006)
  • A Welcome Grave (2007)
  • The Silent Hour (2009)
Other Novels
  • Envy The Night (2008)
  • So Cold the River (2010)
  • The Cypress House (2011)
  • The Ridge (2011)


  1. ^ Mechling, Lauren (2010-05-27). "Wall Street Journal, Books & Ideas". The Wall Street Journal. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704026204575266433493270788.html. Retrieved 2010-11-09. 

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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