MetroWest Jewish Camp Enterprise

MetroWest Jewish Camp Enterprise

MetroWest Jewish Camp Enterprise is a non-profit initiative administered by The Partnership for Jewish Learning and Life, an agency of the United Jewish Communities MetroWest, New Jersey, in conjunction with the Foundation for Jewish Camp. MetroWest, New Jersey includes Essex, Morris, Sussex and northern Union counties.

In 2010, the initiative announced the hiring of its first full-time manager [1]. MetroWest Jewish Camp Enterprise launched a Facebook page in February, 2010, called Think Jewish Camp. The organization is committed to the promotion of Jewish summer camp as a means of transforming Jewish young people into spirited and engaged Jewish adults. Its particular focus is on Jewish summer camps in New Jersey and New York. MetroWest Jewish Camp Enterprise has a budget of $2 million and intends to double the number of children in the region who attend Jewish summer camp[2]. Research studies indicate that informal Jewish education, such as Jewish camp, contributes to improvement in several measures of Jewish identity[3]. Jewish summer camp has proven particularly effective among Jewish children and Jewish teens in developing Jewish identity, self-esteem and a commitment to leading a Jewish life.[4]

MetroWest Jewish Camp Enterprise advocates and promotes awareness of camp across a range of denominations. Through its partner Foundation for Jewish Camp, the organization offers incentive grants honored at more than 40 nearby overnight Jewish summer camps, and more than 150 camps across North America (see grant information).

Local camp partners of MetroWest Jewish Camp Enterprise include:


  1. ^ [1] New Jersey Jewish News, Feb 10, 2010
  2. ^ NJJN
  3. ^ [2] "The Impact of Childhood Jewish Education on Adult Jewish Identity,” Steven M. Cohen and Lawrence Kotler-Berkowitz, United Jewish Communities Report on the National Jewish Population Survey, 2000-01
  4. ^ [3] "Research Findings on the Impact of Camp Ramah," Dr. Ariela Keysar and Dr. Barry A. Kosmin, 2004

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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