
Dynasty 19th Dynasty
Pharaoh Merenptah

Merysekhmet (also written Merysakhmet) was a Vizier of Ancient Egypt. He served during the reign of Merenptah.[1]

Merysekhmet is mentioned in Papyrus Bologna 1086, which is a letter form the scribe of the offering table Bakenkhons to his father Ramose who is a prophet of the temple of Thoth in Memphis. The letter is in regards to the whereabouts of a Syrian slave named Nekedy. Bakenkhons mentions meeting with vizier Merysakhmet and asking if Nekedy was with him, and being told no.[2]


  1. ^ K.A. Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions: Merenptah & the late Nineteenth Dynasty, Wiley-Blackwell, 2003, pg 74
  2. ^ Wente, E., Letters from Ancient Egypt, Scholars Express, Atlanta, GA, 1990, pg 124-126

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