Menace in Europe: Why the Continent's Crisis Is America's, Too

Menace in Europe: Why the Continent's Crisis Is America's, Too
Menace in Europe: Why the Continent's Crisis Is America's, Too  
Author(s) Claire Berlinski
Country United States
Language English
Publisher Three Rivers Press
Publication date 2006
ISBN 978-1400097685
OCLC Number 62878664
Dewey Decimal 940.56/1 22
LC Classification D2020 .B47 2006

Menace in Europe: Why the Continent's Crisis Is America's, Too is a book by Claire Berlinski about problems and challenges facing Europe, and the consequences for the United States of Europe's failure to meet these challenges. Among the phenenoma addressed in the book are Muslim integration (and the lack thereof), anti-Americanism, antisemitism, and Europe's often forgotten violent history.


  • Baltimore Chronicle & Sentinel: A better example of the essential emptiness of neo-conservatism than Claire Berlinski’s Menace in Europe would be difficult to find...ugly vituperation expressed in sweeping generalizations...Berlinski cherry-picks her evidence.[1]
  • Frontpage.mag: [Berlinski’s] examination of why the French port of Marseille works and how the police department and city administration have avoided the unrest and segregation that have plagued Paris and much of the rest of Old Europe is brilliant reporting and should be required reading for mayors and police chiefs throughout Europe.[2]
  • Norah Vincent, a former Los Angeles Times columnist:One of the wisest and most compulsively readable public intellectuals writing today, Berlinski presents a work of Orwellian foresight and Churchillian conviction that will tear a welcome hole in our complacency and teach us to rethink our political future.[3]
  • Michael Medved: Chilling, persuasive, and urgent. Most Americans prefer to think of ‘The Old World’ as charming, quaint, and irrelevant, but Berlinski shows why all of us need to worry about the harrowing dangers facing European civilization.[3]
  • National Review: Her observation that there is nothing Americans can do to change [Europe], "short of dying politely en masse," suggests that Ms. Berlinski, a lively writer always happy to hype up the snark and the spark of her prose, is taking her readers not to France, or Germany, but to Planet Coulter.[4]
  • New Oxford Review: One can't read [Menace in Europe] and walk away optimistic about the future of Europe.[5]
  • The New York Sun: It's hard to do full justice to the rich material in [Menace in Europe]. Ms. Berlinski...has a fascinating chapter on the Nazi aesthetic of Rammstein, Germany's most popular band. But if [Menace in Europe has] any weaknesses it is the lack of a historical framework.[6]
  • Washington Times: "What worries me about books like this is that they risk reducing Europe to a caricature in much the same way as Stupid White Men turns America into one big Wal-Mart with drive-by shootings."[7]


  1. ^ Hickman, John (2007). "The Real Menace is 'Thinkers' Like Claire Berlinski". Baltimore Chronicle & Sentinel. 
  2. ^ Forsmark, David (May 03 2006). "While Europe Slept". Frontpage.mag. 
  3. ^ a b "Books: Menace in Europe". Random House Canada. Retrieved 2008-05-05. 
  4. ^ "Euro scare?(Menace in Europe: Why the Continent's Crisis Is America's, Too)(Book review)" ([dead link]). National Review. MAY 06 2008. 
  5. ^ Flaherty, Dan (June 2007). "Briefly Reviewed". New Oxford Review. 
  6. ^ Siegel, Fred (February 23 2006). "The Lebanonization of Europe". New York Sun. 
    Siegel, Fred (March 11 2006). "Muslims, mad and militant, set their sights on a quailing Europe". The Free Lance Star.  (reprint)
  7. ^ Davis, Clive (March 26 2006). "Extremism in Europe, and questions of what's next". Washington Times. 

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