Melita Insula

Melita Insula

Melita insula is a mature role play world consisting of a homestead sim. The playground is the island of Malta somewhere between the end of the 1st century BC and the beginning of the 1st century AD. That is, around the year 1, in the days of the early Roman Empire.

Here you will find Greeks, Romans, Roman citizens of various ethnic origin, all trying to seek fortune, glory or just trying to make a living, which doesn't always seem to be that easy to accomplish... Apart from pleasant socializations in the city, at camps, in the tavernas and baths, and all sorts of entertainments and pleasures, you can hence expect battles, raids, combat/capture, trading, slavery and much more. All in a consensual setting..

The role play on Melita has a historical background. We are looking for historical accuracy, within reasonable limits. We strongly encourage people who have an interest in ancient history and civilizations to share it with their fellow players. But Melita is not an academic gathering. It's primary intent is quality, intelligent entertainment and fun. So for those who are not that much into history, a basic background and common sense role play skills are more than enough

Background Story and Settings

Times were hard for the Greek colonists of Africa Proconsularis. They had tried to withstand the great drought that summer, but eventually the threat of starvation forced them from their lands and in search of a new home. It was not long before they charted a course for the island of Melita.

There they found the ancient Greek colony in ruins, inhabited by only a few old people, who seemed to believe that they were living on the island of Atlantis. Additionally, there was a small Roman garrison on the island, but the soldiers appeared more concerned with occasional pirate raids than anything else.

The weary colonists, washed up on these new shores, set about repairing and renovating the colony in expectation of a new wave of settlers. They begin their new lives on this seemingly calm and pleasant isle, but what does the future have in store for them? Will they be able to restore the colony to its former glories? To rebuild not only the temples and the houses, but also the old trade routes and influence? Though they strive to bring peace and prosperity to their new home, the fates may have something else planned for them...

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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