

The Meliceae is a tribe of grasses near the base of the Pooideae .[1] It includes two relatively large genera, Melica (based on accounts in multiple regional floras) with about 80-90 species and Glyceria with about 55 species.[2] Its other genera are Pleuropogon, with 5 species,[3] Triniochloa with 4 species, Schizachne with 2 species, and Anthochloa, Lycochloa, and Streblochaete, each of which includes only one species.[4]


Distinguishing characteristics

Members of the Meliceae have closed leaf sheaths; lemma veins that do not or only scarcely converge distally; and short, truncate, lodicules. They differ from Bromeae, another tribe with closed leaf sheaths, in their glabrous ovaries as well as their lemma venation and short short lodicules. They also differ from other members of the Pooideae in having chromosome base numbers of 9, 10, and 8.

Geography and Ecology

The Meliceae are most abundant in temperate regions of Eurasia but are also well represented in temperate regions of North and South America but there are great differences between the genera. Glyceria and Pleuropogon grow in wet areas, often in standing water; Melica and Schizachne tend to grow in dry, well-drained sites.

Economic importance

Members of the Meliceae have little economic importance. A few species of both Melica and Glyceria are grown as ornamentals; more merit consideration but caution should be used. Some species of Glyceria, notably G. declinata, are invasive.


  1. ^ Bouchenak-Khelladi Y, Salamin N, Savolainen V, et al. (May 2008). "Large multi-gene phylogenetic trees of the grasses (Poaceae): progress towards complete tribal and generic level sampling". Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 47 (2): 488–505. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2008.01.035. PMID 18358746. 
  2. ^ Tsvelev, N.N. 2006. Synopsis of the mannagrass genus, Glyceria (Poaceae). Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow and Leningrad). 2006. 91(2):255–276
  3. ^ But, P.P.H. 2007. Pleuropogon, pp. 103-109 in Barkworth et al., Flora of North America north of Mexico, vol. 24. Oxford University Press
  4. ^ Clayton, W.D. and S.A. Renvoize. 1986. Genera Graminum: Grasses of the World. Kew Bull., Addit. Ser. 13. Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, England. 389 pp.

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