Kahun Papyri

Kahun Papyri
Fragments of the Kahun Papyrus on veterinary medicine

The Kahun Papyri (KP) are a collection of ancient Egyptian texts discussing administrative, mathematical and medical topics. Its many fragments were discovered by Flinders Petrie in 1889 and are kept at the University College London. This collection of papyri is one of the largest ever found. Most of the texts are dated to ca. 1825 BC, to the reign of Amenemhat III. In general the collection spans the Middle Kingdom of Egypt. [1]

The texts span a variety of topics:


  1. ^ Lahun Papyrus Collection at University College, London
  2. ^ Hymns to king Senusret III from University College, London
  3. ^ A Healing Papyrus from University College, London
  4. ^ Veterinarian Papyrus from University College, London
  5. ^ A late Middle Kingdom account, listing festivals from University College, London

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