mediate auscultation — n auscultation performed with the aid of a stethescope compare IMMEDIATE AUSCULTATION * * * auscultation performed by the aid of an instrument (stethoscope) interposed between the ear and the part being examined … Medical dictionary
auscultation — [ ɔskyltasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1819; « action d écouter, examen » 1570; lat. auscultatio → ausculter ♦ Action d écouter les bruits qui se produisent à l intérieur de l organisme pour faire un diagnostic. ⇒ exploration, percussion. Auscultation immédiate … Encyclopédie Universelle
Auscultation — Aus cul*ta tion, n. [L. ausculcatio, fr. auscultare to listen, fr. a dim. of auris, orig. ausis, ear. See {Auricle}, and cf. {Scout}, n.] 1. The act of listening or hearkening to. Hickes. [1913 Webster] 2. (Med.) An examination by listening… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Auscultation — For the ancient monasterial worker, see Auscultare Auscultation Intervention Laennec auscultates a patient before his students MeSH … Wikipedia
Auscultation — pédiatrique d un nourrisson. L auscultation est la partie de l examen clinique qui consiste à écouter, à l aide d un stéthoscope (auscultation médiate), ou simplement à l oreille, divers bruits produits par les organes du corps humain, notamment… … Wikipédia en Français
Auscultation — (v. lat.), 1) das Hören; 2) (Med.), die Methode, Krankheiten mittelst des Gehörs zu erforschen u. zwar durch bloßes Anlegen des Ohrs an den leidenden Theil (unmittelbare A.); od. durch, zwischen beide gebrachte, den Ton leitende u. erhöhende… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
auscultation — Listening to the sounds made by the various body structures as a diagnostic method. [L. ausculto, pp. atus, to listen to] immediate a., direct a. a. by application of the ear to the surface of the body. mediate a. a. performed with the use of a… … Medical dictionary
immediate auscultation — n auscultation performed without a stethoscope by laying the ear directly against the patient s body compare MEDIATE AUSCULTATION … Medical dictionary
René Laennec — Infobox Scientist name = René Laennec box width = image size = 250px caption = René Laennec birth date = February 17, 1781 birth place = Quimper, Brittany death date = August 13, 1826 death place = residence = citizenship = nationality = French… … Wikipedia
médiat — médiat, iate [ medja, jat ] adj. • 1478; lat. mediatus; d apr. immédiat ♦ Didact. Qui agit, qui se fait indirectement. Action, cause, relation médiate. ⇒ indirect. Auscultation médiate. ⊗ CONTR. 1. Direct; immédiat. ⊗ HOM. Média. ● médiat,… … Encyclopédie Universelle