Max Friediger

Max Friediger

Max Friediger (born April 9 1884 in Budapest, died 1947 in Copenhagen) was a Danish chief rabbi and a survivor of the Holocaust.

After the occupation of Denmark by the Wehrmacht together with other Danish Jews, he was interned as a hostage by the occupying power in 1943 in the open state prison at Horserød, and later deported to Theresienstadt concentration camp.[1] Friediger led the church register of approx. 480 Danish Jews[citation needed] in a synagogue located in a storeroom within the camp[2] and later published an account of life in Theresienstadt.[citation needed]

After his death in 1947, his successor as chief rabbi was Marcus Melchior.[citation needed]


  1. ^ Silverman, Jerry (2002). The Undying Flame: Ballads and Songs of the Holocaust. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press. ISBN 9780815607083. 
  2. ^ "Terezin’s Hidden Synagogue, Czech Republic". Retrieved 2011-01-10. 

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