Maša Stokić

Maša Stokić

Maša Stokić (née Jeremic), born in Belgrade, Serbia, in 1966 is a dramatist[1] and drama critic. She has a BA degree in drama on Academy of Dramatist's Arts in Belgrade. Drama critic since 1989, she is a member of the AICT (International Association of Theatre Critic), and has won several prizes for published critic in different media, including Sterija Award (1996, the most significant theatre award in the country.

Stokić is one of the founders of the theatrical newspaper Ludus, which helped Serbian theatre to survive during the last decade of twentieth century: EX YU wars and Milosevic era. Collaborated as dramaturg on dozen of productions in Serbian and Belgrade theatres, and all of adaptations she wrote (mostly of Serbian novelists, except Raymond Carver's short stories – play "Sales"; Terry Prachett's "Wyrd sisters") have been played by professional and most important companies in Serbia; she won another Sterija award for adaptation of Borislav Pekić's novel "Golden fleece" (2001). She wrote several original plays, a couple of which were produced in theatre (Zrenjanin, Kragujevac). After democratic changes in Serbia she was a general manager and artistic director of Tiny Theatre Dusko Radovic in Belgrade (2000–2002). She is an artistic associate and publication editor of Belgrade Drama Theatre (2003–2009).


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