Subscription television in Australia

Subscription television in Australia



* Foxtel and Austar both use the Optus C1 satellite.
* SelecTV uses PAS 8.
* UBI World TV uses Optus B3.
* The various GlobeCast World TV platform services use PAS 8.
* MySAT uses PAS 8.
* Jadeworld uses PAS 8.
* The various PanGlobal TV platform services use PAS 8.
* Optus Aurora RABS TV services use Optus C1.
* TFCDirect! uses PAS 8.
* LBF uses Intelsat 7.
* A Sky Net uses Measat 2.
* Pacific Media uses AsiaSat 4.

HFC Cable

* Foxtel use Telstra's cable in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth.
* Optus use their own cable network in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane.
* Austar provide a cable service, again via HFC to Darwin through a cable system partly owned by Austar and the Darwin City Council.
* Neighbourhood Cable provides a TV service over their own cable to Geelong, Ballarat and Mildura.


* TransACT's TransTV service uses VDSL over a fibre-to-the-kerb network.
* Austar previously delivered an analogue MMDS service into selected regional areas, however the system was dumped in the late 1990s/early 2000s. Austar also briefly tested a digital MMDS service on the Gold Coast.
* TARBS leased some of Austar's metropolitan licenses for their service.
* ECTV and Galaxy also used MMDS.

ee also

* Australian Subscription Television and Radio Association (ASTRA)

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