

A fictional village that exists in Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series.

Salidar is a small village in Altara on the border of Amadicia. Abandoned and forgotten till recently, it is the place the Rebel Aes Sedai flee to after Siuan Sanche is deposed and Elaida is made Amyrlin. The secret location of the Rebels was hidden in a play on words, "Sallie Daera". The location is chosen for symbolic as well as practical reasons; it is the birthplace of the Blue Ajah Aes Sedai who replaced the last Red Ajah Amyrlin before Elaida, and its proximity to the Whitecloaks in Amadicia makes it appear unsuitable to anyone happening to look for them.

Salidar serves as a gathering point for the rebels while they decide what to do next; while some suggest making peace with the White Tower and returning under Elaida's rule, most support establishing a parallel structure. They raise their own Amyrlin, Egwene al'Vere, and convene their own Hall of the Tower. A number of other significant events happen here as well, including Nynaeve al'Meara's discovery of how to Heal a person who has been cut off from the One Power.

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