Martinson — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Harry Martinson (1904–1978), schwedischer Schriftsteller Hans Martinson, Pseudonym von Hans Bemmann (1922–2003), österreichischer Schriftsteller Mait Martinson (* 1969), estnischer Diplomat Sergej… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Martinson — Martinson, Harry E … Enciclopedia Universal
Martinson — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie des personnes (réelles ou fictives) partageant un même patronyme. Martinson est un nom de famille anglo saxon, germanique et scandinave qui signifie littéralement « fils de Martin ». Harry… … Wikipédia en Français
Martinson — This interesting surname is the patronymic form of the male personal name Martin, i.e. son of Martin . This given name is of Roman origin from the Latin Martinus , a derivative of Mars , the Roman god of fertility and war, whose name may derive… … Surnames reference
Martinson — Mạrtinson, 1) Harry Edmund, schwedischer Schriftsteller, * Jämshög (Län Blekinge) 6. 5. 1904, ✝ Stockholm 11. 2. 1978; ging nach einer schweren Kindheit und Jugend 16 jährig zur See und kehrte nach vielen Reisen, u. a. nach Südamerika und… … Universal-Lexikon
Martinson's Beach, Saskatchewan — Martinson s Beach is a hamlet in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. Listed as a designated place by Statistics Canada, the hamlet had a population of 39 in the Canada 2006 Census.[1] References ^ Canada 2006 Census: Designated places in Sa … Wikipedia
Martinson, Harry — (1904 1978) Generally recognized as one of the leading figures in 20th century Swedish literature, Martinson wrote poetry, novels, dramas, and essays, for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1974. He was one of several self educated… … Historical Dictionary of Scandinavian Literature and Theater
Martinson, Moa — (1890 1964) A Swedish novelist and poet, Martinson came from a background of abject poverty in the slums of the town of Norrkoping. She gave birth to five children, two of whom drowned in a creek, and she experienced the gruesome suicide ofher … Historical Dictionary of Scandinavian Literature and Theater
Martinson, Harry — ▪ Swedish author in full Harry Edmund Martinson born May 6, 1904, Jämshög, Swed. died Feb. 11, 1978, Stockholm Swedish novelist and poet who was the first self taught, working class writer to be elected to the Swedish Academy (1949).… … Universalium
Martinson, Moa — ▪ Swedish author original name Helga Swartz born Nov. 2, 1890, Vardnass, Swed. died Aug. 5, 1964, Södertälje Swedish novelist who was among the first to write about the agricultural labourer, the landless worker of the Swedish… … Universalium