Martino Muralto

Martino Muralto

Martino Muralto (Locarno c.1521-1566) was an Italian lawyer and elder in the exiled Italian protestant church in Zürich.[1] The church was made up of 250 members, many refugees from Locarno, and was an influential centre of free Italian protestantism outside Italy during the period 1540-1620.[2] Muralto accompanied Lelio Sozzini to Basel, to secure Bernardino Ochino as pastor at Zürich in 1553,[3] and ten years later it was Muralto again who made a final appeal to Bullinger to intervene in Ochino's expulsion from the city in 1563, following Ochino's Thirty Dialogues, which included a dialogue questioning the Trinity and other matters which attracted opposition.[4]


  1. ^ Taplin The Italian reformers and the Zurich church, c. 1540-1620 Ashgate
  2. ^ The History of the Reformation: History of the Christian Church Volume 8 - Page 141 Schaff "Chief among them were Beccaria, Taddeo Duno, Lodovico Ronco, and Martino Muralto. A religious disputation was held there in 1549, about the authority of the pope, the merit of good works, justification, auricular confession,"
  3. ^ Thomas M'Crie the Elder History of the progress and suppression of the Reformation in Italy Edinburgh 1833 "of genius and undaunted resolution ; and Martino de Muralto, a doctor of laws, and a person of noble birth, who had great influence in the bailiwick."
  4. ^ Taplin "Thus when Martino Muralto visited Bullinger on 30 November in a final effort to have the sentence against Ochino rescinded, he was told that Ochino would be best advised to leave Zurich before the three weeks allotted to him by the.."

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