Marta Lambertini

Marta Lambertini

Marta Lambertini (born 13 November 1937) is an Argentine composer. She was born in San Isidro, Buenos Aires, and studied at the Universidad Catolica Argentina with Roberto Caamano, Luis Gianneo and Gerardo Gandini, graduating in 1972. She continued her studies in electroacoustic music in Buenos Aires, at the Centro de Investigationes de la Ciudad with Francisco Kröpfl, Gerardo Gandini, José Maranzano and Gabriel Brncic.[1][2]

After completing her studies, Lambertini taught music at the National School of Music and the National University of La Plata, before taking a position as dean of the Faculty of Music Arts and Sciences of the Catholic University of Argentina.[3]


Selected works include:

  • Quasares for string quartet, 1971
  • Alice in Wonderland, opera
  • ¡Oh, Eternidad!, opera
  • Galileo descubre las cuatro lunas de Jupiter, for orchestra, 1984
  • Última filmación de los anillos de Saturno, for four clarinets, 1991
  • ¡Cenicientaaa..! (Cinderella)


  1. ^ Sadie, Julie Anne; Samuel, Rhian (1994) (Digitized online by GoogleBooks). The Norton/Grove dictionary of women composers. Retrieved 29 December 2010. 
  2. ^ Tyrrell, John (2001). The new Grove dictionary of music and musicians: Volume 4. 
  3. ^ "MARTA LAMBERTINI". Retrieved 29 December 2010. 

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