Marta Botía Alonso

Marta Botía Alonso

Marta Botía Alonso (Madrid, September 15, 1974) is a Spanish singer-songwriter. She has a sister, Lidia, their father is a publicist and their mother is an Iberia director.

She grew up in Lavapiés block, in Madrid. Since she was a child, she showed a great interest in music and in the last course of high-school, she met Marilia Andrés Casares, with whom she created the band Ella baila sola,[1] they split up in 2001.



With Ella Baila Sola

  • Ella Baila Sola, 1996
  • EBS, 1998
  • Marta y Marilia, 2000
  • Grandes Éxitos, 2001

Solo albums

  • Cumplir lo prometido, 2002


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  • Marta Botía — Alonso (Madrid, September 15 1974) is a Spanish singer songwriter.She grew up in Lavapiés block, in Madrid. Since she was a child, she showed a great interest about music and in the last course of high school, she met Marilia Andrés Casares, with …   Wikipedia

  • Marta Botía — Alonso (* 15. September 1974 in Madrid) ist eine spanische Liedermacherin. Sie und Marilia Andrés Casares bildeten von 1996 bis 2001 das Duo Ella baila sola. Ihre größten erfolge feierten sie Ende der 90er. Sie hat eine Schwester, ihr Vater ist… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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