

name = "Guzmania"

image_width = 250px
image_caption = "Guzmania monostachia"
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Liliopsida
subclassis = Commelinidae
ordo = Poales
familia = Bromeliaceae
subfamilia = Tillandsioideae
genus = "Guzmania"
genus_authority = Ruiz & Pav.
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision =Numerous, see text

"Guzmania" is a genus of epiphytes, the guzmanias. Several species of this genus are cultivated as indoor and outdoor garden plants. The best known is "Guzmania lingulata" (scarlet star) which bears orange and red bracts.

Guzmanias die after a plant has produced its flowers in summer, but new plants can easily be propagated from the offsets which appear as the parent plant dies. They are epiphytes and can do well if tied on to pieces of bark with roots bound into sphagnum moss.

Guzmanias require warm temperatures and relatively high humidity. The sac fungus "Bipolaris sorokiniana" (anamorph of "Cochliobolus sativus") and others can cause fatal root rot in plants of this genus if the roots get too wet and cold.

elected species

* "Guzmania aequatorialis‎‎"
* "Guzmania albescens‎"
* "Guzmania alborosea‎‎"
* "Guzmania alcantareoides‎"
* "Guzmania andreettae‎‎"
* "Guzmania asplundii‎‎"
* "Guzmania atrocastanea‎"
* "Guzmania barbiei‎‎"
* "Guzmania bergii‎‎"
* "Guzmania condorensis‎‎"
* "Guzmania corniculata‎"
* "Guzmania dalstroemii‎‎"
* "Guzmania ecuadorensis‎‎"
* "Guzmania foetida‎"
* "Guzmania fosteriana‎"
* "Guzmania fuerstenbergiana‎‎"
* "Guzmania fuquae‎"
* "Guzmania fusispica‎"
* "Guzmania harlingii‎‎"
* "Guzmania henniae‎‎"
* "Guzmania hirtzii‎‎"
* "Guzmania hollinensis‎"
* "Guzmania inexpectata‎‎"
* "Guzmania izkoi‎‎"
* "Guzmania jaramilloi‎"
* "Guzmania kentii‎"
* "Guzmania lepidota‎‎"
* "Guzmania lingulata"
* "Guzmania madisonii‎"
* "Guzmania monostachia"
* "Guzmania nicaraguensis"
* "Guzmania osyana‎"
* "Guzmania plicatifolia"
* "Guzmania poortmanii‎"
* "Guzmania pseudospectabilis‎"
* "Guzmania puyoensis‎‎"
* "Guzmania remyi‎"
* "Guzmania roseiflora‎‎"
* "Guzmania rubrolutea‎‎"
* "Guzmania sanguinea"
* "Guzmania septata‎‎"
* "Guzmania sieffiana‎‎"
* "Guzmania striata‎‎"
* "Guzmania teuscheri‎‎"
* "Guzmania xanthobractea‎‎"
* "Guzmania zakii‎"

Notable cultivars

* cv. 'Rana'
* Wittmackii-Hybrids
* Zahnii-Hybrids

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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