


Mariño Lineage

Gallician Spanish lineage origined by Don Xoán froilaz ( Frojaz ) Marinus y Don Froylaz Marinus. It is a historical family lineage in the Spanish history.

Taking apart to Sirena Mariña Legend, Mariño lineage come Traba family, Counts of Traba, Trastámara and Celanova; the Mariño lineage first was Don Froilaz Pérez de Traba or Froilaz Marynus and Doña Marina Marinha.

Documents of Tombos, making to Don Fernando Pérez de Traba and Doña Sancha González de Lara doing heredity in that place to Don Froylaz Marinus, who appear more later like Don Xoán Froylaz Marinus, Count and Duke of Valladares and Count of Alcavarra.

Mariño and Mariño de Lobeira, inheritance the power let by Traba in medieval galician and they were very important crown servers.


Egica ( King of Visigoths ) married with Cixilona Balthes( Princess of Spain )/ Wittiza ( King of Visigoths ) Kings of Tudesia / Sharifs, Dukes and Counts of Coímbra ( Galleica and Lusitania ) Artobás o Flavio Sisebuto / Flavio Ataúlfo married with Ursinda ( daughter Bermudo I of Asturias )/ Flavio Athanarico / Flavio Teudo / Hermenegildo I / Lords of Galleica, Gutierre son of ( Hermenegildo I ) / Aloito, Osorio ( and Hermenegildo Gutiérrez ( Conquer of Coimbra - Ameium - Dux Bellorum Galleicum and Count of Portugal )The Great / Arias ( Count of Coimbra ) Counts of Coimbra, Celanova and Trastámara Gutier Melende( Count of Coimbra, Celanova y Trastámara )married with Doña Ilduara Eriz of Lugo / Froila Guterre Melende ( Count of Coimbra, Celavona, Astorga and Trastámara ) / Rodrigo Froilaz ( Count of Trastámara ) / Froila Rodríguez ( Count of Trastámara ) married with Sancha Rodríguez / Bermudo Froilaz Manido Guterres ( Count of Celanova and Trastámara ) married with Gotrónda Rodrígues de Aranga / Fruela Petríz Bermudez ( Count of de Trastamara ) married with Elvira of Faro, descendant of Hermenegildo The Great and Saint Ilduara at the same time. Counts of Trastámara and Traba Pedro Froilaz ( Count of Trastámara and Traba ) married with Urraca Frolaz ( Countesse of Aranga and Traba ) / Fernando Perez de Traba ( Count of Tastámara and Traba ) married with Sancha González de Lara, House of Lara - Second wife: Teresa Alfonso of Leon and Castilla ( Countesse of Portugal and Infant of Castilla ) / 1. María Fernández de Trastámara, Guiomar Fernández de Trastámara, Count of Traba Gonzalo Fernández, Count Rodrigo Fernández de Trastámara, Count of Trastámara Fernando González, Count of Valladares Xoán Froylaz Marinus, Teresa Fernández de Traba. 2. Sancha Fernández de Traba y Portugal, Teresa de Traba y Portugal ( Countesses of Portugal ).

Mariño Lineage Don Xoán Froylaz Marinus. Children: Pedro Eans Mariño, Martín Eanes Mariño, Juan Eans Mariño, Juan II Eans Mariño, Payy Mariño, Osorio Eans Mariño, Gonzalo Eans Mariño, Sancha Eans Mariño, Arina Eans Mariño.

Titles assigned to lineage Mariño

  • Nobility: Portuguese Royal House Hidalgos / Spanish Royal House Hidalgos/ Brazilian Imperial House Hidalgos.
  • Lords: Salvora, Noia, Muros, Vimianzo.
  • Baronies: Pereira Marinho.
  • Viscounties: Albeos, Pereira Marinho.
  • Counties: Guaro, Pereira Marino, San Juan.
  • Marquisates: de la Sierra / Mariño / Santa Rosa / Rio Branco.

Bonds and Charges of the Crown Regencies

  • Perpetual Regidor of Mozambique.
  • Perpetual Regidor of the city of Pontevedra.
  • Perpetual Regidor of the city of Tunja.
  • Captain General of the Coast of Galicia.
  • Royal Advisors.
  • Royal Tutors.
  • Governor-General of Catalonia.
  • Governors of Flanders.

Castles, Fortresses and Pazos

Torres do Martelo / Castle of Vimianzo /

Professions Public and Private

  • Military
  • Poets
  • Explorers and Settlers.
  • Conquerors of Indias.
  • Writers.
  • Senators of the Kingdom.
  • Senators of the Republic.
  • Mayors.
  • Architects / Engineers / Musicians / Free Thinkers.


traducción del español al inglés

  • Don Martin Eans Mariño (Hidalgo) Poetry (Singer of the Vaticana).
  • Don Pedro Mariño de Lobeira y Sotomayor (Spanish conquer). Writer.
  • Don Francisco Mariño y Soler (Marquis of Santa Rosa). Spanish Army. Neo Granadinian Liutenant Colonel. Mayor of Sogamoso. Republican Senator. Knight Order of Santiago. Knight of the Order of Liberators of Venezuela and New Granada.
  • Don Fernando Mariño de Lobeira Andrade Lemus y Sotomayor (Marquis of Sierra). Field Marshal of the Royal Thirds.
  • Don Antonio Mariño de Lobeira y Andrade was a Spanish Aristocrat. Field Marshal of the Royal Thirds.
  • Don Ignacio Mariño y Torres. Dominican Priest. Neo Army Colonel Grenadines. Magister Missionis. Knight of the Order of Santiago. Knight of the Order of Liberators of Venezuela and New Granada.
  • Don Santiago Mariño y Carige. Commander in Chief of the Armies of the East. Representative of New Granada (Venezuela) Supreme Head of Venezuela following the Revolution of Reform headed by him, defeated, leaves office.
  • María Mariño. Gallego Spanish writer of origin.
  • Colonel Don Nicolás Mariño de Lobera (1763-1767) Military Governor of Castellón. He died on June 18, 1767 and was buried in the convent of Santa Clara.
  • DonFrancisco Bernaldo de Quirós y Mariño de Lobeira. Marquis of Campo Sagrado. Governor of Catalonia.
  • Maria Consuelo Mariño Chantal (b. 1952 in Caceres, Extremadura, Spain) is a Spanish author of romance novels, both historical and contemporary.
  • Manuel Mariño Manuel Thomson Porto (Valparaiso, Chile, 1839 - Arica, Peru, February 27, 1880). Marino Chilean active player in the Pacific war.
  • Luis Moure Mariño (O Saviñao, 1915) Spanish writer in Galician and Spanish.
  • Irineu Roberto Marinho Roberto Pisani Marinho (December 3, 1904 - August 6, 2003) was a Brazilian journalist and businessman, born in Rio de Janeiro
  • Marinho Chagas, real name Francisco das Chagas Marinho (born February 8, 1952 in Natal) is a Former Brazilian football player
  • Marinho Peres, Peres Mario Ulibarri, was a Brazilian footballer. He was born on March 19, 1947 in Sorocaba, Brazil.
  • Don Enrique Mariño y Pinto. Belén (Boyaca) March 27, 1884. Dr. in Jurisprudence from the National Law School.

Mariño lineage in America

  • The New Granada (Colombia)

Founded by Don Jeronimo Mariño de Lobeira y Sotomayor

  • The New Granada (Venezuela)

Founded by Don Santiago Mariño de Acuña.

  • Viceroyalty of Peru (Peru and Chile)

Founded by Don Pedro Mariño de Lobeira das Mariñas Sotomayor


  • Eriz Lugo
  • Garcia Carrafa
  • Tombos Documents

External Links

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