Mariska Kramer

Mariska Kramer
Kramer at the 2007 Sylvestercross race

Mariska Kramer-Postma (born April 26, 1974 in Twijzelerheide)[1] is a Dutch triathlete, duathlete and long-distance runner. She was the 2006 Ironman France champion and won the Louisville leg of the 2008 Ironman World Championship series.[2] She was the runner-up at the ITU Duathlon World Championships in 2008.

She won the Philadelphia Marathon in 2010 and 2011 (winning in a personal best time of 2:35:46 hours).[3] She was fifth at the City-Pier-City Half Marathon in 2011, being the first Dutchwoman home in a personal best time of 1:14:24 hours.[4]


  1. ^ Mariska Kramer (Dutch). Wereld Van Oranje. Retrieved on 2011-11-21.
  2. ^ Longree and Kramer-Postma win in Kentucky. Ironman (2008-08-31). Retrieved on 2011-11-21.
  3. ^ DuBois, Lou (2011-11-20). Kramer, Tuko Win Philadelphia Marathon. NBC Philadelphia. Retrieved on 2011-11-21.
  4. ^ van Hemert, Wim (2011-03-14). Desisa and Chepcirchir take fast Half Marathon wins in The Hague. IAAF. Retrieved on 2011-11-21.

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