- Mario Christian Meyer (publications)
The following is a partial list of publications by noted field researcher Mario Christian Meyer.[1]
Scientific publishing
- Apprentissage de la langue maternelle écrite : étude sur des populations "les moins favorisées" dans une approche interdisciplinaire [Acquisition of written mother tongue in an interdisciplinary approach]. Preface by Collège de France, Paris: UNESCO, 150 p., 33 illust. 1985. http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0006/000678/067843F.pdf.
- "Psychomotricité, mémoire corporelle et éducation [Psychomotricity, Body Memory and Education.]" Le corps et sa mémoire:: actes du VIe Congrès international de psychomotricité, La Haye, 1984 (Paris: Doin): pp. 85–92 1985 ISBN 9782704004935 http://www.pisad.bio.br/artigos/corpsetsamemoire.pdf
- "Psychiatrie Sociale : la violence en ligne de mire [Social Psychiatry: violence in line of sight]". Le Quotidien du Médecin (Paris, FR) year 16 (nr. 3734): pp. 13–14. 1986. http://www.pisad.bio.br/artigos/de_la_panic_attack.pdf.
- "Cultural shock, neuropsychological and cognitive functions of symbolization and psychiatric risk". Journal de Psychiatrie Biologique et Thérapeutique, 24: 6. January 1987. http://www.pisad.bio.br/artigos/jpbt_cultural_shock_and_psychiatric_risk.pdf.
- "Dépression et nouvelles technologies: perspectives ouvertes [Depression and new technologies: open perspectives]". Journal de Psychiatrie Biologique et Thérapeutique, 31: 55–58. October 1988. http://www.pisad.bio.br/artigos/jpbt-depression_nouvelles_technologies.pdf.
- "Technologies traditionnelles et Technologies de pointe : une gestion interdisciplinaire respectueuse de la Nature". [Traditional Technologies and High Technologies: a respectful interdisciplinary management of Nature]. Sciences Po: From Politics to Planetics. Paris: UNESCO, 17 p. November 29-30th, 1991. http://www.pisad.bio.br/artigos/unesco_frompoliticstoplanetics.pdf.
- "Unreached and Excluded People’s Literacy in Remote Regions: cross-cultural field study for a Sustainable Future in Amazônia". UNESCO World Symposium on Family Literacy. 1994. p. 26. http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0012/001252/125234eo.pdf.
- Richard, Denis; Senon, Jean-Louis, eds (1999). Dictionnaire des drogues, des toxicomanies et des dépendances, Amérindiens d’Amazonie [Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Drugs, Drug-addiction and Dependences, Amerindians from Amazonia]. Éditions Larousse. p. 435. ISBN 9782037203241. http://www.pisad.bio.br/artigos/larousse_dictionnairedesdrogues.pdf.
- "Príncipe das Florestas [The Prince of the Forests]". EcoFenix (São Paulo, BR): 1:28–31. 2007. http://www.pisad.bio.br/artigos/principe-das-florestas.pdf.
- "The Secrets of Water: from Universe to Cell [Os Segredos da Água: do Universo às Células"] . Water, the Soul of Landscapes [Água, Alma das Paisagens] preface by Patrick Baudry. Carlos Renato Fernandes ed.: Ipsis Gráfica e Editora 2009 pp. 12–37. 240 p. http://www.pisad.bio.br/artigos/waterthesoulofthelandscapes.pdf
- "Como o resgate cultural pode ajudar o Índio aculturado e a nossa sociedade? [How can the cultural rescue help the acculturated Indians and our society?]". FGV – Fundação Getúlio Vargas (Highest Business School in Latin America) (São Paulo, BR). August 31, 2009. http://www.gvces.com.br/index.php?page=Noticia&id=60093.
General publications
- "Le Corps et la Culture au Brésil [Body and Culture in Brazil]". Le Quotidien du Médecin. Nr. 3410, Year 16 (Paris, FR). 1986.
- "Quelles belles plantes [What beautiful plants]". Glamour. Nr.35, pp. 145–149 (Paris, FR). July–August 1991. http://www.pisad.bio.br/artigos/quellebelleplantes.pdf.
- "França vai investir em biotecnologias [France will invest in Biotechnology]" A Crítica, Educação e Saúde, Year 53, p. 8 (Amazonas, BR) May 18th, 1992 http://www.pisad.bio.br/artigos/franca_vai_investir_em_biotecnologia.jpg
- "Nativos são cientistas [Native People are Scientists]" Arte e Cultura News (Brasília, BR) 1993 http://www.pisad.bio.br/artigos/artecultura-nativossaocientistas.pdf
- Pamela Bloom ed, ed (1995). "A Scientist Speaks Out". The Amazon. Adventurer's guide to the mysteries of the Amazon. New York: Fielding Worldwide Publishing. pp. 56–61, 255 p. ISBN 9781569520000. http://www.pisad.bio.br/artigos/the-amazon_a-scientist-speaks-out.pdf.
- Meyer, Mario Christian (1995). "An Exotic Pharmacy". In Pamela Bloom ed. The Amazon. Adventurer's guide to the mysteries of the Amazon. New York: Fielding Worldwide Publishing. pp. 61–62, 255 p. ISBN 9781569520000. http://www.pisad.bio.br/artigos/the-amazon_an-exotic-pharmacy.pdf.
- Meyer, Mario Christian (1997). "Future of the Forest: a Healing Pharmacy". In Pamela Bloom ed,. Amazon Up Close. Adventure Guide Series. New Jersey: Hunter Publishing. pp. 65–72, 321 p. ISBN 9781556507809. http://www.pisad.bio.br/artigos/amazon-up-close_future-of-the-forest.pdf.
- Pamela Bloom ed, ed (1997). "Out of the Forest & Into the Labs: Amerindian Initiation into Sacred Science". Amazon Up Close. Adventure Guide Series. New Jersey: Hunter Publishing. pp. 85–102, 321 p. ISBN 9781556507809. http://www.pisad.bio.br/artigos/amazonupclose_outoftheforest.pdf.
- Meyer, M.C.; Bardy, E. (2nd quarter, 1997). "Amazonie: Les enfants indiens [Amazônia: Amerindians’ Children]". Enfants du Monde 31: 10–12 (Paris, FR). http://www.pisad.bio.br/artigos/enfantsdumonde_amazonie.pdf.
- "Hommage to Sir Peter Blake". blakexpeditions - UNEP. Sir Peter Blake Trust. November 20th, 2001. http://www.pisad.bio.br/artigos/myths_and_science_amozonia.pdf. Retrieved 4 February 2011 (Auckland, New Zealand).
- "França e INPA estreitam parceria para o uso de novas tecnologias [France and INPA (National Institute for Amazônia’s Research) reinforce their Partnership for the use of New Technologies]" Amazonas em Tempo, Cidades, Year 14, B2 (Amazonas, BR.) May 9th, 2002 http://www.pisad.bio.br/artigos/amazonasemtempo_francaeinpa.pdf
- "Um novo instrumento para proteger a Biodiversidade Amazônica [A new instrument to protect the Amazonian biodiversity]" Gazeta do Povo – Globo Network, Year 84, p. 12 (Paraná, BR) November 29th, 2002 http://www.pisad.bio.br/artigos/gazetadopovo_umnovoinstrumento.pdf
- "Conhecimentos milenares dos nossos Índios são valorizados com tecnologia tradicional [Millenarian knowledge of our Indians are valorized with traditional technology]" Arte e Cultura News (Brasília, BR) September 11th, 2003 http://www.pisad.bio.br/artigos/conhecimentosmilenaresdosnossosindios.pdf
- "Aliança entre Conhecimento tradicional e Biotecnologia [Alliance between Traditional Knowledge and Biotechnology]" Amazonas em Tempo, Mosaico, Nr 5.723, Year 18, p. 8 (Amazonas, BR.) October 8th, 2006 http://www.pisad.bio.br/artigos/aliancaentreconhecimento.pdf
- "Como o resgate cultural pode ajudar o Índio aculturado e a nossa sociedade [How can the cultural rescue help the acculturated Indians and our society?]" Amazonas em Tempo, Mosaico, Nr 5.730 Year 18, p. 6 (Amazonas, BR.) October 15th, 2006 http://www.pisad.bio.br/artigos/comooresgateculturalpodeajudaroindio.pdf
- "Estudioso discute avanços da biotecnologia [Scientists discuss Biotechnology advancement]" O Estado do Paraná, Cidades, Nr 16.767, Year 56, p. 11 (Paraná, BR) October 25th, 2006 http://www.pisad.bio.br/artigos/estudiosodiscutebiotecnologia.pdf
- "Valorização dos recursos genéticos e novo olhar para a indústria: biotecnologia inédita para a saúde do homem e da natureza [Valorization of the genetic resources and new perspectives for the industry: new technology for Man and Nature health]". ABIFISA – Brazilian Association of Industry on Phytotherapy, Food Ingredients and Health, 3 p. (Paraná, BR). November 13th, 2006. http://www.pisad.bio.br/artigos/abifisa_valorizacaodosrecursosgeneticos.pdf.
- "Projeto visa restituir riqueza aos Índios [Project aiming to restore wealth to the Índios,]" O Estado do Paraná (Newspaper of Paraná State, Brazil), Nr 16.845, Year 56, p. 9, (Paraná, BR) January 24th, 2007 http://www.pisad.bio.br/artigos/projetovisarestituirriquezaaosindios.pdf
- "Índios da Amazônia aprendem sobre biotecnologias [Amerindians from Amazônia learn about technologies,]" TV BAND - Pé no Rio, Education and Adventure, Year 44 (Paraná, BR) February 26th, 2007 http://www.pisad.bio.br/artigos/indiosdaamazoniaprendemsobrebiotecnologia.pdf
- "Pela preservação da Amazônia [For the preservation of the Amazon,]" Tribuna Catarinense, Nr 16.845, Year 14, p.29, (Santa Catarina, BR) April19–25th, 2008 http://www.pisad.bio.br/artigos/pelapreservacaodaamazonia.pdf
- "Os Produtos da Floresta [The products of the Forest]" Associação Comercial e Industrial do Paraná (Trading and Industrial Association of Paraná State) Nr 119, Year 12, p. 18. (Paraná, BR) May 2008 http://www.pisad.bio.br/artigos/acp_osprodutosdafloresta.pdf
- Gustavo Siqueira ed, ed (2008). "Prefácio [Preface]". Embracing Amazônia, [Abraçando a Amazônia]. Santa Catarina, BR: Nova Letra Editor. pp. 8–12, 112 p. http://www.pisad.bio.br/artigos/abracando-a-amazonia_prefacio.pdf.
- Gustavo Siqueira ed, ed (2008). "Um Gigante na Floresta [A Giant in the Forest, by Eliana Spengler]". Embracing Amazônia [Abraçando a Amazônia]. Santa Catarina, BR: Nova Letra Editor. pp. 22–25, 112 p. http://www.pisad.bio.br/artigos/abracando-a-amazonia_tributo.pdf.
- Gustavo Siqueira ed, ed (2010). "O Pelé dos Mares [King of the Ocean]". A Água é o Sangue da Terra [Water is the Blood of the Earth]. Santa Catarina, BR: Nova Letra Editor. pp. 108–109, 134 p. http://www.pisad.bio.br/artigos/o-pele-dos-mares.pdf.
- Gustavo Siqueira ed, ed (2010). "Prefácio [Preface]". A Água é o Sangue da Terra [Water is the Blood of the Earth]. Santa Catarina, BR: Nova Letra Editor. pp. 6–9, 134 p. http://www.pisad.bio.br/artigos/a-agua-e-o-sangue-da-terra_preface.pdf.
- "Myths and Science in Amazonia". blakexpeditions - UNEP. Sir Peter Blake Trust (Auckland, New Zealand). February 2011. http://www.sirpeterblaketrust.org/blakexpeditions/log/3677.
See also
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