

Marianus is a male name, formerly an Ancient Roman family name, derived from Marius.[1] Marianus may refer to:

  • Blessed Marianus Scotus, abbot of St. Peter's at Ratisbon, born in Ireland before the middle of the eleventh century
  • Codex Marianus, a Glagolitic fourfold Gospel Book that is one of the oldest manuscript witnesses to the Old Church Slavonic language
  • Marianus Brockie, D.D. (1687–1755), a Benedictine monk
  • Marianus of Florence (died 1523), a Friar Minor, historian, and chronicler of the Franciscan Order; born in Florence about the middle of the fifteenth century
  • Marianus Scotus (1028–1088), an Irish monk and chronicler, an Irishman by birth, and called Máel Brigte, or Devotee of St. Brigid
Marianus of Arborea
Marianus of Torres

See also


  1. ^ Mike Campbell. "Meaning, Origin and History of the Name Marianus". Behind the Name. Retrieved 2010-05-17. 

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  • Marianus, S. (1) — 1S. Marianus (9. März), ein Martyrer in Africa. S. S. Julianus36 …   Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon

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