

Marcahuasi is a plateau in the Andes Mountains, located east of Lima, on the mountain range that rises to the right bank of the Rimac River. This mountain range dominates the landscape at 4,000 m above sea level. The location is on the list of Peru's Seven Wonders, because of its alleged mystical energy and historical relevance to a pre-Incan civilization. The main attractions for the few who visit Marcahuasi are the numerous rock formations with surprising likenesses to specific animals, people, and religious symbols.



It, is a plateau that originated from a volcanic reaction, about 4 square kilometers in area, located almost 4000 meters high in Huarochiri, east of Lima, Peru, home to a unique set of huge granite rocks whose origins have many different theories. The most pragmatic ensure that these rocks are the effects of freaks of nature, carved in the rock by the erosive properties of wind and rain over the millennia. Curious shapes and designs show a certain likeness to human faces, animals, and religious symbols. (some require great imagination to see, others require very little imagination to see).


Among the most notable rock formations are:

  • The Monument to Humanity
  • The Prophet
  • The Sphinx
  • La Paloma
  • The Alchemist .- Profile of a man hiding.
  • Valley of the Seals
  • The Amphitheater
  • The Fortress
  • El Sapo
  • The Tortoise
  • The Goddess Thueris
  • The Helmet of God
  • The Sanctuary


  • Mazzotti Lopez, Daniel (2001). A backpack in Peru. Peruvian explorers.
  • Video: Marcahuasi: Enigmatic Stones in the Peruvian Andes

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