Marc Ona

Marc Ona

Marc Ona is president and founder of the environmental NGO Brainforest and president of Environment Gabon. Gabon is a country in West Central Africa and Marc Ona, who uses a wheelchair for mobility, is leading efforts to expose agreements behind a Chinese mining project that threatens equatorial rainforest ecosystems. The proposed Belinga development, a $3.5 billion project that includes a mine, a dam, railroads and a port, has been secretly negotiated. Local communities were not consulted and are unaware of the effect that the project would have on their environment. In 2009 Ona won the Goldman Environmental Prize.[1][2][3]


  1. ^ 2009 Goldman Environmental Prize Winners Beat 'Insurmountable' Odds
  2. ^ Belinga iron ore project - Gabon
  3. ^ The Chief of State reviews the progress of the Belinga project

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