

MAQUET is a multinational German company based in Rastatt with focus on equipment for surgical workplaces, anesthesia systems, workstations for intensive care and Cardiovascular devices. Maquet is divided in the three divisions of Surgical Workplaces, Critical care and Cardiovascular. It has productions sites in Germany (Rastatt, Hirrlingen, Hechingen), France (Ardon, La Ciotat), Sweden (Solna), Turkey (Antalya), China (Suzhou), United States (San José, Fairfield, Mahwah, Wayne) Puerto Rico (Dorado).


The foundation for MAQUET was laid in 1838 by Johann Friedrich Fischer in Heidelberg. The company manufactured and sold patient chairs and other health care equipment. In 1876 it was a takeover of the company by Curt Maquet. In 1933 the company relocated to Rastatt, Germany.

In 2000 MAQUET was acquired by Getinge Group, leading to the foundation of the business area Medical Systems within the Getinge group. By the beginning of 2008, MAQUET has started into a phase of development into a therapeutic medical company, providing products and services to the OR (Operating Room), ER (Emergency Room), ICU (Intensive Care Unit), NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) of acute care hospitals on a global basis.

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