Mannkal Economic Education Foundation

Mannkal Economic Education Foundation

The Mannkal Economic Education Foundation, based in Perth, Western Australia, is a free market think tank founded in 1997 by Executive Director Ron Manners.



Mannkal aims to "strengthen the free market system in Western Australia and Australia, by promoting ideals of voluntary co-operation, choice, personal rights, limited government and responsible resourcefulness of individuals."[1] It does this by financing and organising:

  • Events that allow individuals to exchange ideas defending free markets.
  • Seminars and student scholarships to promote the greater understanding of the concepts that underpin free societies.
  • Policy papers on relevant topics pertaining to Western Australia.
  • An alternative book store for economic and Australian history books.


Ron Manners, Executive Director

John Hyde, Director

John Corser, Director


External Links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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