

Grimoald, Grimald, Grimoart, Grimwald, Grimuald, or Grimbald may refer to:

*Grimoald I of Benevento, duke of Benevento (651-662) and king of the Lombards (662-677)
*Grimoald II of Benevento, duke of Benevento (677-680)
*Grimoald III of Benevento, duke of Benevento (787-806)
*Grimoald IV of Benevento, duke of Benevento (806-817)
*Grimoald of Bavaria, duke of Bavaria (715-725)
* Grimoald, son of Tassilo II
*Grimoald I the Elder, Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia (643-656)
*Grimoald II, the Younger, Mayor of the Palace of Neustria and Burgundy (695-714)
*Grimoald Alferanites, Prince of Bari (1121-1132)
*Nicholas Grimald (1519-1562), English poet
*Grimaldo Canella, consul of the Republic of Genoa, founder of House of Grimaldi
*Grimoart Gausmar, 12th-century troubadour
*Grimbald, 9th-century saint
*Grimoald, the supposed familiar spirit of Oliver Cromwell

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