Bromme culture

Bromme culture


At this time, the reindeer was the most important prey, but the Bromme people also hunted moose, wolverine and beaver. The landscape was consequently a combination of taiga and tundra.

The culture is named after a settlement at Bromme on western Zealand, and it is known from several settlements in Denmark and Schleswig-Holstein. In Sweden, it is known from the country's earliest known settlement at Segebro, near Malmö.

It is charactherized by sturdy lithic flakes that were used for all tools, primarily awls ("sticklar"), scrapers and "skaftunge" arrow heads. No stone axes have been found.

The Bromme culture and the Ahrensburg culture are so similar that they it has been proposed that the two cultures should be combined as one and the same under the label Lyngby culture, with the Bromme culture being recognized as an older northern branch of the same culture as the Ahrensburg culture.



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