Magnus Gutke

Magnus Gutke

Magnus Gutke, born December 8, 1965, is a Swedish concert guitarist trained at the Conservatory École Normale de Musique de Paris. His debut album Touché was released 1997 by RCA Victor. Gutke plays on a guitar built by Paulino Bernabe Senior.


Touché I The album was originally released by BMG / RCA Victor in 1997 and is Gutke debut recording. The music is thoroughly in a romantic interpretation with an emphasis on Spanish composers. The cd's character is soothing, but also temperamental in places. Beautiful melodies in both fiery and tender soft compositions that are easy to absorb.

Touché II Guitar music by French and Spanish composers. Suite Platero y yo by Eduardo Sainz de la Maza is set to music by literary model, offers a great variety in character with hints of Spanish National Romanticism, Antonio José's Sonata holds great melody and timbre of the pieces as Pavana triste. A bit more modern sounds, we get the Frenchman Maurice Ohana, which is experimenting with atonalitet to a charged and virtuoso final results of his work Si le jour paraît... The final piece, by French composer Henri Sauguet is forming a nice finish with his impressionistic character of the piece Soliloque, after a tonality that made ​​their way further and further away from the tonal.

Silver och jag Recitative interspersed with classical guitar. The lyrics are a selection from the Nobel laureate Juan Ramón Jiménez best known work Silver and I (Platero y yo). The music is composed by Spanish composer Eduardo Sainz de la Maza, inspired by the literary work. The album expresses a timeless tranquility and a great intensity in the interpretation of words and tones. It brings out the mood of the philosophical texts and paint vivid images of a man's reflections on life, death and nature. The stories portrayed very vibrant, the music provides an opportunity for much reflection. An experience for the senses.

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