Dror Benshetrit

Dror Benshetrit

Dror Benshetrit is a designer based in New York City. He was born in Tel Aviv and studied at Design Academy Eindhoven in the Netherlands.[1] He designed the "Peacock" folded felt chair for Cappellini and has a line of shelving, bedding, stationary and other products at Target.[1][2] He is also the designer for the Soho Synagogue.[3] Benshetrit designed a sunken luxury eco-resort in Abu Dhabi that is "camouflaged to look like an undulating green carpet".[4] He also designed a molded structural sole called a "bone" over which sock-like 'skins' are stretched.[5] Many of his works involve movement,[6] and he created a series of "elegant objects that flip, flop or fold into many forms".[7]

Dror owns Studio Dror, in New York City.


  1. ^ a b Studio Dror hits Target with affordable homegoods line June 2 Media Bistro
  2. ^ Target offers sophisticated design at an amazing value with limited edition 1 June 2009 PR Newswire
  3. ^ Stephanie Murg Dror Benshetrit Designing Soho Synagogue October 15, 2009 Media Bistro
  4. ^ Zahid Sardar Green values at Contemporary Furniture Fair May 28, 2008 San Francisco Chronicle
  5. ^ Platitudes, bandwagons, misuses, and de-marketing Ideas November 26, 2006 (Ontario Edition) Toronto Star page D.2
  6. ^ Stephen Treffinger CURRENTS: INNOVATION; The Alchemist at Work: Objects at Rest and in Motion October 9, 2003 New York Times
  7. ^ Tim McKeough Shopping With Dror Benshetrit;Beyond Lawn Chairs June 17, 2009 New York Times

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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