
Dramatist Anonymous (Dramanon)
Medium Theatre
Nationality Indian
Years active 2001–present
Website http://www.dramanon.webs.com

Dramanon (short for Dramatist Anonymous) is an English theatre group that operates out of three cities in India: Manipal, Bangalore and Hyderabad. The three chapters of Dramanon are well integrated and enjoy a strong collaborative bond apart from a common origin.

Established in 1991 by Dr. Sripathi Rao, currently the Dean of Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, Dramanon was founded to address the need for a common platform where the diverse student body of Manipal meets to commune, express and share.

Through varied pursuits - play reading, acting workshops, script writing workshops and performances, Dramanon grew organically into its founding vision - an informal, unofficial theatre group that brought the students and faculty members of MAHE (Manipal Academy of Higher Education, now known as Manipal University), together in a creative endeavor.

Re-energized in 2000 by R.K. Shenoy, Professor of Architecture from Manipal Institute of Technology (MIT), Dramanon grew in number and strength from there on into a vibrant, young theatre group that stages two productions every year to packed houses. Grooming student actors, directors, stage managers and designers, with every passing year, Dramanon Manipal has staged 20 productions till date.

The Cactus Flower, Man in the Bowler Hat, Lithuania, Comic Potential, The Mousetrap, Yes Minister, A year in the Death of Eddie Jester, The New York Story, Black Adder, Fools, The Good Doctor, Love Sex & the IRS, Witness for the Prosecution, The Foreigner, That Darn Plot & Can't Pay! Won't Pay! are some of the productions staged by Dramanon Manipal.

In 2007, the student alumni of Dramanon, Manipal, helped Dramanon spread its wings by establishing chapters in Bangalore and Hyderabad. Both these chapters are run by a bunch of theatre-crazy professionals whose ‘theatre time’ is a post-work-to-wee-hours-into-the-night endeavor.[citation needed]

Dramanon Bangalore has managed to carve a niche for itself among the young theatre-goers in Bangalore. They perform regularly at the Ranga Shankara and Alliance française, Bangalore’s premier theatre venues. Some of their recent plays are The Original Last Wish Baby, Pizzazz, Alarms & Excursions, [SIC] & Elling.

Dramanon Hyderabad has found a unique voice in Hyderabad’s English theatre circles. Collaborating with other prominent English theatre groups, It has played a pivotal role in creating an audience for English theatre in Hyderabad. Some of their recent plays include Fools, The Good Doctor, Doubles and Pizzazz,6 & Can't Pay, Won't Pay. 6 is Dramanon's first original play and it comprises six short stories.

Dramanon was touted by India Today as one of the emerging young English theatre troupes in India. On March 27, 2010, Dramanon celebrated its 10th anniversary by staging COMIKAZE, a theater festival at Manipal.

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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