Drama 2.0

Drama 2.0

Drama 2.0 is a multi-platform television format. The goal of this format is to synchronize scripted content with user-generated content. The TV drama invites the audience to participate online and in reality, offering various layers of involvement. The highest levels of participation, the quality participation, is designed to generate content by the participant in various forms. The lower levels of participation, the quantity participation, is designed to distribute the content generated by the quality participation. This user generated content is quoted in the TV drama through so called donut holes and steered by matches. These layers of participation form the participation pyramid. The lower levels are aimed at a broad audience and casual fans. The top levels, the quantity participation, are aimed at the hard-core fans. A community is built months before the launch of the TV drama, simultaneously with the shoot and post production of the scripted content.

Participation pyramid

Drama 2.0 extends the content to all media and invites the audience not only to watch the drama, but actively participate online and in reality. It was first defined by Peter De Maegd and Eric Taelman throughout the development of the multi-platform series The Artists, commissioned by national broadcasters of Belgium (VRT) and Sweden (SVT).

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