Satvinder S. Juss

Satvinder S. Juss

Dr Satvinder Singh Juss Ph.D (Cantab) FRSA, is a Professor of Law[1] at King's College London, UK, a Barrister-at-Law of Gray's Inn, London, UK, and a former Human Rights Fellow at Harvard Law School, Massachusetts, US. He is also a Migration Commissioner at the Royal Society of Arts and contributed to the report in November 2005 on 'Migration: A Welcome Opportunity' ( He has published widely on the subjects of migration and human rights law. Professor Juss is fluent in Urdu and Swahili.



Professor Juss has a BA Degree in Law and a PhD in Administrative Law from Cambridge University in the United Kingdom. He is a human rights expert focusing on policy-oriented work. He contributed as a renowned expert at the invitation of the Home Affairs Select Committee to a pioneering seminar on Human Trafficking at the Houses of Parliament on 14 May 2009, which brought together the Chairs of all the Home Affairs Committees in Europe, in a new initiative to harmonize standards and procedures in this field. He was also Consultant in April 2009 to the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) in a programme funded by the British Embassy in Ankara, Turkey, on issues of expulsion, re-admission and voluntary return of migrants.

Professor Juss has been involved in, and given policy speeches for, various think-tanks, including the Royal Society of Arts, Encounter, and the Rowntree Trust. He regularly appears as a practising Barrister in the High Court and the Court of Appeal and is listed as a "Legal Expert" in the Directory of Legal Experts and appears in the Legal 500. He has argued cases also in the House of Lords and the Privy Council. He sits as a part-time Judge. Professor Juss has taught at a number of Universities in the UK and the US, including Harvard Law School and Indiana University in Bloomington. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, and its Council Member, and is a member of its Migration Commission, which published its ground-breaking Report, “Migration: A Welcome Opportunity” [2] in November 2005. He is a Council member also of Encounter, and of the Society of Legal Scholars. Professor Juss seeks to incorporate the role of scholar, practitioner, and activist in the all various fields of his expertise. Professor Juss is the first Sikh Professor of Law at a UK University, and amongst less than a handful of Indian law professors in Britain.

Main practice areas

Constitutional Law (including Public Law and Administration Law), civil liberties and Police (Civ), professional discipline and appellate work (including Privy Council), Immigration.

Professor Juss has special expertise in Comparative Constitutional Law and Public and Administration Law. He sits as an Immigration Judge. He was a human rights fellow at Harvard University. He is a professor and the Director of MA course in International Peace and Security and King's College Law School in London and specializes in International Refugee Law and in Human Rights, Public Law and Comparative Law.

He has written in a wide variety of journals in the United Kingdom and the US and is the author of five books, the most recent being International Migration & Global Justice.


  • International Migration and Global Justice (Law and Migration) by Satvinder S. Juss (Paperback - 21 Dec 2007)
  • Immigration, Nationality and Citizenship (Citizenship & the Law) by Satvinder S. Juss (Hardcover - 20 Jan 1994)
  • Immigration, Nationality and Citizenship (Citizenship & the Law) by Stephen Sedley and Satvinder S. Juss (Paperback - 22 Sep 1994)
  • Judicial Discretion and the Right to Property (Citizenship & the Law) by Sir Gavin Lightman, Satvinder S. Juss, and Robert Blackburn (Hardcover - 18 Jun 1998)
  • Interaction Between Compilers and Computer Architecture (INTERACT-9 2005), Ninth IEEE Conference by Satvinder S Juss (Hardcover - Sep 2005)
  • Guide to the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 by Satvinder S. Juss (Paperback - 31 Jul 2001)
  • British Racism and Immigration by Satvinder S. Juss (Paperback - 1999)


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