Doug Turner (Mozilla)

Doug Turner (Mozilla)
Doug Turner
Personal details
Born January 26, 1975 (1975-01-26) (age 36)
Mountain View, California
Spouse(s) Marcie Turner
Children Dylan Turner
Madison Turner
Residence San Jose, California
Alma mater San Jose State
Profession Engineer, Mozilla
Religion Catholic

Doug Turner is an employee of the Mozilla Corporation and long-time contributor to Mozilla. The Mozilla Foundation hired Turner in December 2004 to work full time on mobile projects such as Minimo[1] and Mozilla Joey[2]. He was the Foundation's 12th hire[3]. Turner was previously employed by Netscape before the creation of the Mozilla Foundation.

Doug Turner invented Geolocation on the Web[4], Device Orientation on the web, and is a leader in device access[5].

Doug Turner was the maintainer of the now-defunct Minimo project and now works on its successor Firefox for mobile


External links

News & Media

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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