- Dominik Gross
Dominik Gross is a German bioethicist and historian of medicine. He is currently Professor and Director of the Institute of History, Theory and Ethics in Medicine at the RWTH Aachen University, Germany.[1]
Gross studied dentistry and medicine at Saarland University and the University of Ulm (State Exam in Dentistry 1989, Dr. med. dent. 1991; State Medical Exam 2000, Dr. med. 2001) as well as history, philosophy and archeology at Saarland University (M.A. 1990, Dr. phil. 1993). After completing his habilitation thesis in history, theory and ethics of medicine at the University of Wurzburg, Bavaria, he worked as a lecturer at the Universities of Wurzburg, Ratisbon and Ulm. In June 2005 he was appointed full professor of History, Theory and Ethics in Medicine at the RWTH Aachen. Since October 2005 he is director of the Institute of History, Theory and Ethics in Medicine of the same university. Besides, he is visiting professor at the University of Zurich, Switzerland.
He is a member of the Ethics Group of the IDEA League and editor of different book series at Lit Publishers, Muenster, London, New York, (“Anthropina”, “Medizin und Nationalsozialismus”) and at Campus, Frankfurt, New York (“Todesbilder”).
Gross is the author of more than 200 articles and books. He is member of the advisory board of several bioethical and medicohistorian journals (e.g. “Medicine Studies. International Journal for the History, Philosophy and Ethics of Medicine & Allied Sciences”, Springer; “Sudhoffs Archiv – Zeitschrift für Wissenschaftsgeschichte”, Franz Steiner; “Ethik in der Medizin”, Springer). Gross’ work has won several awards and prizes, including a research Fellowship of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (1996–1998), the Scientific Award of the Maiwald-Foundation (1999), the Joseph Schneider Award of the Medical Faculty of the University of Wurzburg (2002) and the Scultetus Award of the Scultetus Society in Ulm (2004).
Gross’ main fields of research are professionalization in healthcare, medicine in the 20th century, historical thanatology, medical technology assessment, stigmatization in medicine, dental ethics, neuroethics and chimeras.
In 2010, he was appointed as a member of the „National AIDS Advisory Council“ („Nationaler AIDS-Beirat“), an official advisory board of the The Federal Ministry of Health.
Written works (Selection)
- Marriage Strategies, Social prestige and Property of Barber-Surgeons in 19th-century Württemberg: An Evaluation of Marriage- and Probate Inventories. In: Historical Social Research 23/4 (1998), pp. 94–108
- Die Aufhebung des Wundarztberufs. Stuttgart: Steiner 1999
- Dictionary of Dentistry and Dental Technology, Volume 1 (German & English), Volume 2 (French & Spain). Munich: Neuer Merkur 2002
- Ethik in der Zahnheilkunde. Wurzburg: Koenigshausen & Neumann 2002
- (with Andrew George, Jereon wan den Hoven and Michael Hampe): The IDEA League's Statement on Ethics, http://www.idealeague.org/about/docs/ethicstatement [November 2006]
- (with Sabine Müller, eds.): Sind die Gedanken frei? Die Neurowissenschaften in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Berlin: MWV 2007
- (with Eva-Maria Jakobs, eds.): E-Health und technisierte Medizin. Neue Herausforderungen im Gesundheitswesen. Muenster: Lit 2007
- (with Sabine Müller, eds.): Normal - anders - krank? Berlin: MWV 2008
- (with Hans Joachim Winckelmann, eds.): Medizin im 20. Jahrhundert. Munich: Reed Business Information 2008
- EMEA: Transgenic goat producing human antithrombin. Ethical Consideration. In: Jochen Taupitz and Marion Weschka (eds.), CHIMBRIDS - Chimeras and Hybrids in Comparative European and International Research. Heidelberg, New York: Springer 2009, pp. 320–323
- O’Doherty: Mouse with human chromosome. Ethical Consideration. In: Jochen Taupitz and Marion Weschka (eds.), ibid., pp. 356–360
- Fehilly: Human-animal embryo mixing. Ethical Consideration. In: Jochen Taupitz and Marion Weschka (eds.), ibid., pp. 381–384
- Blessing or Curse? Nonpharmacological Neurocognitive Enhancement. In: Medicine Studies. International Journal for the History, Philosophy and Ethics of Medicine & Allied Sciences 1/4 (2009), pp. 379-391
- (with Stefanie Westermann and Richard Kühl, eds.), Medizin im Dienst der "Erbgesundheit". Beiträge zur Geschichte der Eugenik und "Rassenhygiene" (= Medizin und Nationalsozialismus, 1), Muenster: Lit 2009
- (with Jasmin Grande, eds.): Objekt Leiche. Technisierung, Ökonomisierung und Inszenierung toter Körper (= Todesbilder, 1), Frankfurt: Campus 2010
- (with Katsiaryna Laryionava and Sabrina Kreucher): Telemedical Applications in Implantable Devices: Ethical and Social Issues. In: Dominik Groß, Gerhard Gründer and Vasilja Simonovic (eds.), Akzeptanz, Nutzungsbarrieren und ethische Implikationen neuer Medizintechnologien, Kassel University Press 2010, pp. 57–62
- (with Katsiaryna Laryionava): Ethical Boundaries of Medical Bioenineering. In: Interdisciplinary Forums 1 (2010), p. 3
- (with Katsiaryna Laryionava and Sabrina Kreucher): Telemedicine Applications in Bodyrelated Technologies: Ethical issues. In: Med@Tel. Global Telemedicine and eHealth Updates (= Knowledge Resources, 3), Luxembourg 2010, pp. 40-45
- Traditional vs. Modern Neuroenhancement. Notes from a medico-ethical and societal perspective. In: Heiner Fangerau and Thorsten Trapp (eds.), Implanted Mind (= Science Studies), Bielefeld 2010, pp. 137-157
- (with Gereon Schäfer): 100th Anniversary of the death of Ricketts: Howard Taylor Ricketts (1871-1910). The namesake of the Rickettsiae family. In: Microbes and Infection 13/1 (2011), pp. 10-13
- (with Michael Rosentreter and Gereon Schäfer): Pilot project "Patient Safety" in Medical Education. In: GMS – Zeitschrift für Medizinische Ausbildung 28/1 (2011), Doc12, pp. 1–11
- (with Gereon Schäfer): Egas Moniz (1874-1955) and the "Invention" of Modern Psychosurgery. A Historical and Ethical Re-analysis under Special Consideration of Portuguese Original Sources. In: Neurosurgical Focus 30/2 (2011), E8, pp. 1–7
- (with Katsiaryna Laryionava): Public Understanding of Neural Prosthetics in Germany: Ethical, Social, and Cultural Challenges. In: Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics International Issue 20/3 (2011), pp. 434–439
- (with Gereon Schäfer): "Feminization" in German Dentistry. Career Paths and Opportunities – a Gender Comparison (with Gereon Schäfer). In: Women's Studies International Forum 34/2 (2011), pp. 130–139
- ^ "Zur Person" (in German). RWTH. http://www.ukaachen.de/go/show?ID=1058354&DV=0&COMP=person&NAVID=7399138. Retrieved 15 May 2011.
- Das Institut für Geschichte, Theorie und Ethik der Medizin an der RWTH Aachen : Personen, Projekte, Perspektiven ; Jahresbericht 2009, Aachen 2010.
External links
Categories:- Bioethicists
- German historians
- RWTH Aachen University faculty
- Living people
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.