

Doggett may refer to :


  • Bill Doggett (1916–1996), US jazz and rhythm and blues pianist and organist
  • David Seth Doggett (1810-1880), US Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church
  • Derrick Doggett (born 1984), Canadian professional football player
  • Jerry Doggett (1916–1997), US sports broadcaster
  • John Doggett, fictional character in the Canadian-American FOX television series The X-Files
  • John Doggett (columnist) (f. 1990s-present), US political commentator
  • John Doggett (politician) (1723-1772), Nova Scotia political figure
  • Lloyd Doggett (born 1946), US politician from Texas
  • Thomas Doggett (ca. 1640–1721), Irish actor


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  • Doggett — ist der Name folgender Personen: Bill Doggett (1916–1996), US amerikanischer Musiker Lloyd Doggett (* 1946), US amerikanischer Politiker und Richter Ray Doggett (1936 2002), US amerikanischer Rockabilly Musiker, Songschreiber und Produzent …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Doggett — This name derives from the diminutive of the Medieval English dogge meaning dog and was originally given as a nickname to one having dog like characteristics i.e. faithfulness, friendliness etc. It is first recorded as Dogget in 1199 the Pipe… …   Surnames reference

  • doggett — vb British to scrounge. An arcane piece of London rhyming slang. Thomas Doggett, an actor, on the occasion of George I s accession in 1715, endowed a prize for an annual race for Thames watermen between London Bridge and Chelsea. The prize for… …   Contemporary slang

  • Doggett's Repository of Arts — (ca.1821 1825) was an art gallery in Boston, Massachusetts, located at 16 Market Street.[1] Its proprietor, John Doggett,[2] was a gilder and framer with a retail shop near the gallery (nos.18 and 20 Market Street). The gallery exhibited… …   Wikipedia

  • Doggett v. United States — Supreme Court of the United States Argued October 9, 1991 Decided June 24, 1 …   Wikipedia

  • Doggett's Coat and Badge — Doggett’s Coat and Badge [Doggetts Coat and Badge] a rowing race that has been held every year since 1715 on the River ↑Thames between ↑London Bridge and ↑Chelsea. The winner receives a red coat in 18th century style and a silver ↑badge. It was… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Doggett's Coat and Badge — The finish of Doggett s Coat and Badge. Painting by Thomas Rowlandson (1756–1827). Doggett s Coat and Badge is the prize and name for the oldest rowing race in the world. Up to six apprentice Watermen of the River Thames in England compete for… …   Wikipedia

  • Doggett, Thomas — ▪ English actor born c. 1670, , Dublin, Ire. died , September/October 1721, London, Eng.       English actor who excelled in low comedy parts and is best remembered as a member of a famous actor manager triumvirate of Cibber, Doggett, and Wilks… …   Universalium

  • Doggett's Coat and Badge — ▪ sports       one of the world s oldest continuing rowing races, held annually in England along the River Thames from London Bridge to Chelsea, a distance of 4 miles 5 furlongs (7.4 km). The race is a sculling contest between skiffs originally… …   Universalium

  • Doggett's Coat and Badge Race —    This sculling race of over four miles, down the Thames from London Bridge to Chelsea, has been staged every year since 1715, apart from during the two world wars. It was founded by Thomas Doggett, actor manager at the Hay market and Drury Lane …   A Dictionary of English folklore

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