Doddi Komaraiah

Doddi Komaraiah

Doddi Komaraiah is an Indian revolutionary leader.[1] The Telangana Rebellion started after he died fighting the feudal lord in Warangal district in erstwhile Hyderabad State.


Doddi Komraiah was a landless agricultural laborer born in Kadavendi village in Warangal district. He was a leader of Sangam, an organization with communist ideology. He along with Nalla Mallaiah led a revolt in the Kadavendi against the feudal land lord (Jamindar) Rapaka Ramachandra Reddy, popularly known as Visnur Ramachandra Reddy. On July 4, 1946[2] Ramachandra Reddy's henchmen attacked the houses of sangam leaders in the Kadevendi village. Following this some of the villagers armed with sticks and stones attacked the bungalow (gadhi) of Ramachandra Reddy. His men, sheltered in a nearby shed fired upon the villagers killing Komraiah and injuring his brother and few others. Undeterred villagers about 2000 in number attacked the gadhi and took the henchmen as captives. Later they were released with the intervention of police. His death kindled the revolution and more villages joined the movement. His memorials were built in Kadavendi and Visnur.


  1. ^
  2. ^ Sundarayya Puchalapally, "Telangana People's Struggle and Its Lessons" 2006, Cambridge University Press, India.

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