Dodda devarapadu

Dodda devarapadu

Dodda Devarapadu is a village located on the boundaries of Krishna district of Andhra Pradesh, India. It is 55 km away from Vijayawada. Pin code is 521170 / STD Code - 08678.

It belongs to the Veerulapadu Mandal. Neighboring villages include Veerulapadu, Jayanthi, v.annavaram,T Gopavaram, Sai puram. The nearest towns are Kanchikacharla, Madhira, Nandigama and Vijayawada. Nearest Railway Stations are Madhira, T Gopavaram and Yerrupalem.

The village is mainly dependent on Agriculture. Cotton, Chilies, Paddy and Subbabul are the major crops grown in this village. Population as of January 2008 is more than 2000.

Villagers are very much interesting in moving forward to their children's education.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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