Dissoi Logoi

Dissoi Logoi

Dissoi Logoi (literally, "different words" in Greek) is a rhetorical exercise dating back at least to the 3rd century AD of arguing a topic from both sides. It is intended to help an individual gain a deeper understanding of an issue by forcing him or her to consider it from the angle of his opponent, which may serve either to strengthen his or her argument or to help the debaters reach compromise.

In ancient Greece, students of rhetoric would be asked to speak and write for both sides of a controversy.[1] Dissoi Logoi was first referred to by name in Exhortation to Philosophy, a work from the 3rd century AD, by Syrian Neoplatonist Iamblichus.[2] The custom has long persisted. For instance, the Wright brothers, during an argument, would deliberately switch sides temporarily and each argue for their opponent's position.[3]

Dissoi Logoi also refers to a short treatise written anonymously around 600 BC, and found among the papers of Sextus Empiricus. [4]


  1. ^ "An Introduction to the Dissoi Logoi". Northern Illinois University. http://www.engl.niu.edu/wac/dissoi.html. Retrieved 2008-11-26. 
  2. ^ Empiricus, Sextus. "Dissoi logoi". Encyclopedia Britannica. http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/166027/Dissoi-logoi. Retrieved 2008-11-26. 
  3. ^ Eppler, Mark. The Wright Way. AMACOM. ISBN 0814414613. 
  4. ^ http://www.colorado.edu/philosophy/paper_bailey_Excavating%20Dissoi%20Logoi%204.pdf

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