Dilwar Hussain

Dilwar Hussain

Dilwar Hussain graduated from King’s College London, University of London in 1993. He is Head of the Policy Research Centre, based at the Islamic Foundation, Leicestershire. He has taught Islam in the west, Islam in Europe, and Muslims in Britain at undergraduate and postgraduate levels and has also run specialised training courses for civil servants on Islamic issues. Dilwar was involved in the Contextualising Islam in Britain Project (2009) at Cambridge University, is a Fellow of the Royal Foundation of St. Katharine’s Contextual Theology Centre and a Fellow of the Faiths and Civil Society Unit at Goldsmith College.

Dilwar was a Commissioner at the Commission for Racial Equality (CRE) (2006–2007). He worked on the Preventing Extremism Together workgroups set up by the Home Office, after July 7, 2005 and is currently a specialist adviser to the CLG/House of Commons Inquiry into Preventing Violent Extremism. His primary research interests are social policy, Muslim identity and Islam in the modern world. Dilwar has worked in academic research and policy consultancy for over ten years, in the process of which he has delivered contracts for private sector groups as well as government departments and the European Commission.

He is a Senior Adviser to the Institute for Strategic Dialogue and is an Associate of the think-tank, Demos. He served on the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Commission on Urban Life and Faith (2005–2006) and was co-chair of Alif-Aleph UK (2005), a network that brings together British Jews and Muslims and has been listed in the ‘Who’s Who of British Muslims’ by www.salaam.co.uk. Dilwar is married, has four children and lives in Leicester.


Selected publications

  • “Faith, multiculturalism and social cohesion: A policy conversation” (with Ted Cantle and Maqsood Ahmed), in: Adam Dinham, Robert Furbey and Vivien Lowndes (Eds.), Faith in the Public Realm: Controversies, policies and practices. Policy Press, 2009.[1]
  • “Europe, Muslims in” entry in Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam, Oxford University Press, 2009, forthcoming.[2]
  • “Islam” in Zaki Cooper and Guy Lodge (eds.), Faith in the Nation: religion, identity and the public realm in Britain today, IPPR, December 2008.[3]
  • Contributed to guidance booklet: Leading the preventing violent extremism agenda: a role made for councillors. Local Government Association, 2008.[4]
  • “The Impact of 9/11 and 7/7 on British Muslims”, Open University Website, October 2008.[5]
  • “Islamophobia: Old Wine in New Bottles?”, in Islamophobia and the Challenges of Pluralism in the 21st Century, ACMCU Occasional Papers, August 2008.[6]
  • “Faith and Solidarity” in Nick Johnson (ed.), Citizenship, Cohesion and Solidarity, The Smith Institute, June 2008.[7]
  • “British Muslims in the anti-terror age” in Global Dialogue, Vol. 9, No. 3-4, Summer / Autumn 2007.[8]
  • “Peaceful co-existence of different religions and cultures” in At the Centre of the Sacred: Proceedings of the 12th Espoo Cultural Forum, Finland, 2007.
  • “Identity Formation and Change in British Muslim Communities” in Margaret Wetherell et al., Identity, Ethnic Diversity and Community Cohesion. Sage, 2007.[9]
  • Report on Perceptions of Discrimination and Islamophobia: Voices from members of Muslim communities in the European Union, with Tufyal Choudhury et al. Vienna, Austria, EUMC, 2006.[10]
  • ‘Brytyjscy muzulmanie 9/11 i 7/7’ (British Muslims, 9/11 and 7/7) in: Gorak-Sosnowska et al., Islam I obywatelskosc w Europie. Warsaw, Poland, 2006.
  • Faithful Cities, a report of the Commission on Urban Life and Faith, May 2006.[11]
  • Faith as Social Capital – Connecting or Dividing? Report of a Joseph-Rowntree Foundation research project with Rob Furbey, et al., March 2006.[12]
  • Chapter on ‘Can Islam Make us British?’ in Madeleine Bunting (ed.) Islam, Race and Being British, Guardian Publications, 2005.[13]
  • Report on Human Rights and Muslims in the EU, jointly with Professor Jocelyne Cesari and Alexandre Caeiro, the European Commission, 2005.[10]
  • Report on Mapping Jewish-Muslim Dialogue in UK sponsored by the Stone-Ashdown Foundation, with Dr Keith Kahn-Harris et al., July 2005.
  • Chapter on ‘British Muslim Identity post 9/11’, in Ron Geaves et al., Islam and the West Post September 11, Ashgate, 2004.[14]
  • Article on ‘Muslim Political Participation in Britain and the ‘Europeanisation’ of Fiqh’ in Die Welt des Islam, Brill, Leiden, Winter 2004.[15]
  • Article on ‘Islam and Civil Society’, The Toynbee Journal, Autumn 2004.
  • British Muslims between Assimilation and Segregation, co-authored book, The Islamic Foundation, 2004.[16]
  • Paper on “Muslims in British Cities: Are they Different from Other Migrants?” in a report on European Muslims and the Secular State in a Comparative Perspective, organised by NOCRIME for the European Commission, July 2003.
  • Paper on ‘Tackling Islamophobia: Some European Examples’ in Boèce: Revue romande des science humaines, Issue 6, 2003.
  • British Muslims: Loyalty and Belonging, co-edited book, The Islamic Foundation, Leicester, 2003.[17]
  • Chapter on ‘The Holy Grail of Muslims in Western Europe: Representation and Relationship with the State’, in Esposito and Burgat (eds.), Modernizing Islam: Religion in the Public Sphere in Europe and the Middle East. Hurst & Co., London, 2003[18]

Current Research

  • Advising research project on Extremism, Royal United Services Institute
  • Senior Advising on the Muslims in Europe Programme, Institute for Strategic Dialogue
  • Muslims in EU Cities, Open Society Institute

Posts held & Membership of Societies

  • Honorary Fellow of the Faiths and Civil Society Unit, Goldsmiths College (2008 -)
  • Commissioner at the Commission on British Muslims and Islamophobia (2006–2007)
  • Advisory Board of the Institute of Community Cohesion (2006 -)
  • Associate of Demos (2006 -)
  • Commissioner at the Commission for Racial Equality (2006–2007)
  • Fellow of the Royal Foundation of St. Katharine’s Contextual Theology Centre, London
  • Member of the Fabian Society, London


  1. ^ http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/184742029X
  2. ^ http://www.oup.com/us/catalog/general/subject/ReligionTheology/Islam/?view=usa&ci=9780195305135
  3. ^ http://www.ippr.org.uk/publicationsandreports/publication.asp?id=637
  4. ^ http://www.lga.gov.uk/lga/publications/publication-display.do?id=1181541
  5. ^ https://msds.open.ac.uk/signon/SAMSDefault/SAMS001_Default.aspx?URL=http://learn.open.ac.uk/mod/oucontent/view.php?id=171142&section=17
  6. ^ http://cmcu.georgetown.edu/research/papers/
  7. ^ http://www.smith-institute.org.uk/pdfs/citizenship_web.pdf
  8. ^ http://www.worlddialogue.org/current_issue.htm
  9. ^ http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1412946174
  10. ^ a b http://fra.europa.eu/fraWebsite/home/home_en.htm
  11. ^ http://www.culf.org.uk/content_1.0.asp?p=2
  12. ^ http://www.jrf.org.uk/node/2358
  13. ^ http://www.abebooks.co.uk/products/isbn/9780852650561/Bunting-Madeleine/Islam-Race-and-Being-British/
  14. ^ http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/0754650057
  15. ^ http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/brill/dwi/2004/00000044/00000003/art00004
  16. ^ http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/0860373541
  17. ^ http://www.amazon.co.uk/s?url=search-alias=stripbooks&field-keywords=British+Muslims%3A+Loyalty+and+Belonging&x=0&y=0
  18. ^ http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/0813531985

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