- John Beargrease
John Beargrease, born 1858 as the son of a minor "
Anishinaabe " chief by the name of "Makwabimidem" (Beargrease), is best remembered as the winter mail carrier betweenTwo Harbors, Minnesota andGrand Marais, Minnesota during the last two decades of the nineteenth century. John used row boat and dog sled to deliver the mail. His legendarydog sled runs are remembered and celebrated in the annual 411-mileJohn Beargrease Dog Sled Race between Duluth andGrand Portage, Minnesota . John died at his home inBeaver Bay, Minnesota in 1910.References
* [http://www.beargrease.com/index.htm John Beargrease Sled Dog Marathon]
* [http://www.mnhs.org/places/historycenter/programs/players/beargrease_bio.htm John Beargrease - Biography] atMinnesota Historical Society
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